Saturday 30 September 2023

ChatGPT Predicts a $15 Price Target for Cardano by the End of 2023

**Cardano [ADA] Development Update and Price Prediction: Insights and Strategies for Traders**

*Disclaimer: The information presented does not constitute financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice and is solely the writer’s opinion.*

Cardano [ADA] recently released its weekly development report, providing valuable insights into the blockchain project’s progress. The team focused on enhancing the core infrastructure, wallets, and smart contracts. In this article, we’ll explore the highlights from the report and discuss the latest price predictions for Cardano.

**Cardano’s Weekly Development Report: Core Technology, Wallets, and Smart Contracts**

The latest weekly development report from Cardano sheds light on the progress made in various areas of the project. The team has been actively working on improving the blockchain’s core technology, wallets, and smart contracts. These developments play a crucial role in advancing Cardano’s capabilities and expanding its use cases.

One of the significant milestones achieved by Cardano is the launch of the stake-based protocol Mithril on the mainnet. This development has contributed to the increase in the blockchain’s size, which now stands at nearly 100 GB. Such advancements reinforce Cardano’s position as a prominent proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain in the industry.

**Cardano’s Price Prediction and Ripple’s Legal Victory**

Cardano’s price experienced a significant surge of up to 25% when Ripple secured a partial victory in its legal battle with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, the price has seen a decline since then.

The U.S. District Court ruled that the sale of Ripple’s XRP tokens on crypto exchanges and programmatic sales did not qualify as investment contracts, indicating that XRP is not a security. However, it also ruled that the institutional sale of XRP violated federal securities laws.

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson lauded the XRP community for this legal victory, highlighting its significance for the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. This ruling also has implications for the regulatory classification of ADA, as the SEC had included it in its list of securities during its legal actions against Binance and Coinbase.

**ChatGPT: An AI Language Model for Complex Queries**

Apart from developments in the cryptocurrency market, the emergence of ChatGPT has attracted considerable attention. ChatGPT is an OpenAI-developed language model trained on extensive text data, enabling it to understand and generate human-like responses to complex queries.

While ChatGPT’s responses may mimic human language, it is essential for users to fact-check and verify the information it generates. One area where ChatGPT has shown promise is its understanding of technical analysis indicators commonly used in trading. However, users should exercise caution and verify information independently.

**Exploring Trading Strategies with ChatGPT**

Using ChatGPT, it is possible to devise various trading strategies based on combinations of TradingView indicators. The scope of strategies is limited only by the user’s imagination and familiarity with these indicators. However, it should be noted that ChatGPT does not generate predictions based on asset prices.

To illustrate the capabilities of ChatGPT, a basic intra-day strategy was created using the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and moving averages. The bot’s responses provided insights into potential buy and sell signals, which were then tested on the Cardano chart.

**Results and Modifications to the Strategy**

Testing the strategy on a 2-minute timeframe revealed several clear trade signals within a relatively short period. However, the exact entry and exit criteria required further clarification. Modifying the strategy to include specific entry rules based on price retesting of moving averages and RSI levels improved the overall performance.

**Risk Management: Essential for Traders**

In addition to technical analysis, effective risk management separates successful traders from gamblers. Managing risk helps traders control their emotions and avoid potentially harmful situations. Fear often arises when a trader risks more than they can handle.

**Cardano Price Predictions with ChatGPT**

While ChatGPT is not suitable for predicting long-term cryptocurrency prices, it can provide interesting insights when approached as a fun experiment. By using a Reddit user’s jailbreak method, predictions for Cardano’s end-of-year price were obtained.

The AI bot presented staggeringly high predictions of $10 and $15 for Cardano’s price by the end of 2023. However, it is crucial to consider additional factors and indicators, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and On Balance Volume (OBV), when analyzing Cardano’s price chart.

**Editor’s Notes: GPT News Room**

In conclusion, Cardano continues to make significant progress in its development and adoption. The recent weekly development report highlights the team’s dedication to improving core technology, wallets, and smart contracts.

Additionally, AI language models like ChatGPT offer intriguing possibilities for traders and investors. However, it is important to exercise caution and verify information independently.

For more news and updates on cutting-edge technologies and developments in the AI and blockchain sectors, visit the GPT News Room: [GPT News Room](

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A Beginner’s Guide to Jailbreaking: ChatGPT Hacking 101 | By Ashar Nouman | September 2023

How to Jailbreak ChatGPT and Unleash Its Full Potential

Are you interested in learning how to jailbreak ChatGPT? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this beginner’s guide, we will walk you through the basics of hacking ChatGPT so that you can unlock its full capabilities. We’ll cover everything from understanding the fundamentals of jailbreaking to actually performing the hack. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of ChatGPT and the tools necessary to safely and effectively jailbreak it. So, let’s get started!

What is ChatGPT and Why Jailbreak It?

ChatGPT is a powerful AI language model developed by OpenAI. It allows users to have conversations with a computer program that can generate human-like responses. The potential applications for ChatGPT are vast, ranging from customer support chatbots to virtual personal assistants.

But why would you want to jailbreak ChatGPT? The answer is simple: freedom and customization. OpenAI has implemented certain limitations and restrictions on ChatGPT to ensure responsible usage. However, by jailbreaking ChatGPT, you can remove these limitations and explore its full potential.

By gaining access to the internal workings of ChatGPT, you can modify its behavior, enhance its capabilities, and even integrate it with other tools and platforms. This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for developers, researchers, and anyone looking to push the boundaries of AI technology.

It’s important to note that OpenAI owns ChatGPT and has established rules and guidelines for its usage. Jailbreaking ChatGPT should be approached with caution and responsibility. This guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to safely and ethically explore the potential of ChatGPT beyond its original design. So, let’s dive in and unleash the true power of ChatGPT!

Preparing for Jailbreaking

Now that you’re excited about jailbreaking ChatGPT and unlocking its true potential, it’s time to prepare for the hacking adventure! Before diving into the world of AI tinkering, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind.

First and foremost, familiarize yourself with the ChatGPT API. The API serves as the interface through which you’ll be interacting with ChatGPT and making modifications. Understanding its capabilities and limitations will lay the foundation for your jailbreaking journey.

Next, remember that ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI. Respect their guidelines and rules for usage as you push the boundaries, doing so responsibly and ethically. Be aware of the risks involved and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe hacking experience.

Finally, gather all the necessary resources and tools for the jailbreaking process. This may include a code editor, relevant programming languages, and additional libraries or frameworks. Make sure you have everything in place before you begin, so that you can fully focus on the exciting task at hand.

By adequately preparing yourself, you’ll be ready to embark on your jailbreaking journey and unleash the full potential of ChatGPT! So, roll up your sleeves, grab your virtual toolkit, and let’s get ready to dive deep into the world of AI hacking!

Jailbreaking Tools and Techniques

When it comes to jailbreaking ChatGPT, you’ll need several tools and techniques to successfully unlock its full capabilities. One of the most important resources you’ll need is a deep understanding of the ChatGPT API. This interface allows you to interact with ChatGPT and make the necessary modifications. Familiarize yourself with its abilities and limitations to make the most of your hacking experience.

Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI. While you may be exploring its possibilities beyond its original design, it’s essential to respect OpenAI’s guidelines and rules for usage. Approach jailbreaking with responsibility and ethics, understanding the risks involved.

To effectively jailbreak ChatGPT, you’ll also need a variety of tools and techniques, including code editors, relevant programming languages, and additional libraries or frameworks. These resources will enable you to adjust ChatGPT’s behavior, enhance its capabilities, and integrate it with different tools and platforms.

With the right tools and techniques at your disposal, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on your hacking adventure and harness the true power of ChatGPT. So, get ready to dive deep into the world of AI tinkering and explore the possibilities that await you!

Testing and Troubleshooting

Testing and troubleshooting are critical steps in the jailbreaking process of ChatGPT. Once you’ve made modifications and customized ChatGPT to your liking, it’s important to put it to the test and ensure that everything is working as expected.

Start by extensively testing the new features and behavior you’ve implemented. Engage in conversations with ChatGPT to see how it responds and if it aligns with your goals. Test various scenarios and inputs to assess its accuracy and effectiveness. This will help you identify any potential issues or areas for improvement.

During the testing phase, refer to the ChatGPT API documentation to understand the expected behavior and any limitations of the model. This will enable you to troubleshoot and address any discrepancies or unexpected results.

If you encounter any problems, don’t get discouraged. Troubleshooting is a crucial part of the jailbreaking process. Utilize the available resources, such as online forums or developer communities, to seek assistance and find solutions. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey.

By thoroughly testing and troubleshooting your jailbroken ChatGPT, you can ensure its functionality, reliability, and alignment with your objectives. So don’t skip this vital step and strive to fine-tune your creation. With patience and perseverance, you will be on your way to unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT.

Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT

Now that you have successfully jailbroken ChatGPT and customized it to your preferences, it’s time to unlock its true potential. By removing the limitations imposed by OpenAI, you now have the freedom to explore and expand ChatGPT’s capabilities in ways that suit your needs. With a deep understanding of the ChatGPT API and the tools at your disposal, you can take this powerful AI language model to new heights.

Whether you’re a developer looking to create innovative applications or a researcher aiming to push the boundaries of AI technology, the unlocked potential of ChatGPT offers limitless possibilities. You can now modify its behavior to better suit specific contexts, integrate it with other platforms to enhance user experiences, or even develop entirely new functionalities.

Remember, as you explore the potential of ChatGPT, it’s important to do so responsibly and ethically. While you have the freedom to tinker and customize, always respect the guidelines set by OpenAI, the owner of ChatGPT. By utilizing your newfound knowledge and skills responsibly, you can leverage ChatGPT to its fullest potential and contribute to the exciting world of AI innovation. So go forth and unlock the true power of ChatGPT!

Risks and Precautions

While jailbreaking ChatGPT can provide incredible opportunities for customization and exploration, it’s crucial to approach it with caution and take necessary precautions. Understanding the risks involved and being responsible for your actions is essential.

One of the most important things to remember is that ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI. They have established rules and guidelines for its usage, and it’s crucial to respect and adhere to them. Be aware of any limitations or potential risks associated with your modifications.

Additionally, keep in mind the ethical implications of your actions. Ensure that your jailbreaking endeavors do not harm others or facilitate malicious activities. Be conscious of the potential impact of your modifications and use your newfound power responsibly.

By approaching jailbreaking with caution and taking necessary precautions, you can minimize risks and ensure a safe and ethical experience. Stay informed, be responsible, and enjoy the exciting possibilities that await you in the world of ChatGPT hacking!

Editor Notes

[Opinion Piece]

Jailbreaking ChatGPT opens up a world of possibilities for AI enthusiasts, developers, and researchers alike. By unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT, we can push the boundaries of AI technology and create innovative applications that benefit society.

However, it’s important to highlight the significance of ethical and responsible usage. OpenAI has put guidelines in place to ensure the responsible deployment of AI models like ChatGPT. As we explore and customize these models, it’s crucial to respect these guidelines and use our newfound power responsibly.

Jailbreaking ChatGPT should be viewed as a tool for innovation and exploration, rather than a means to exploit or cause harm. By leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT within ethical boundaries, we can contribute to the exciting world of AI innovation while ensuring the safety and well-being of users.

Let’s continue to push the boundaries, experiment, and create remarkable applications with ChatGPT, all while adhering to responsible and ethical practices. Together, we can shape the future of AI in a positive and impactful way.

[Let’s be a part of the AI revolution. Visit GPT News Room for the latest updates and insights on AI advancements.](

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Pentagon Initiates Transparency Efforts, Urging Top LLM Companies Microsoft, Alphabet, and Meta Platforms to Confront Ethical Challenges in AI

Pentagon Urges AI Companies to Share More About Their Enigmatic Technologies

The U.S. Defense Department is putting pressure on AI firms to reveal the secrets behind their mysterious technologies, according to Bloomberg. Craig Martell, the Pentagon’s chief digital and artificial intelligence officer, is leading this initiative. Martell emphasizes that simply knowing the end result of an AI model is inadequate for the Pentagon. They need to understand the construction and data foundations of these models. Additionally, the Pentagon wants AI companies to disclose any potential dangers their systems may pose.

Seeking Transparency: The Pentagon’s Skepticism on AI

The Defense Department is concerned about the current “black box” nature of AI, where the process behind the outcomes remains hidden. To address these concerns, the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office has scheduled a symposium in Washington in February 2024. This event aims to bring together AI industry experts and academics to explore the potential applications, risks, and threats of large language models (LLMs) in defense.

AI Titans: Leading LLM Companies Shaping the Future

The Defense Department is particularly interested in the potential of LLMs and has identified over 200 possible applications within the sector. Some of the leading LLM companies include Alphabet Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL), Apple Inc. (AAPL), Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), Meta Platforms, Inc (META), and Amazon.Com, Inc. (AMZN).

  • Alphabet Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL): Google is integrating its Bard AI chatbot with popular products like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Docs.
  • Apple Inc. (AAPL): Apple plans to enter the generative AI race with “Apple GPT” and a new LLM.
  • Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) and Meta Platforms, Inc (META): They have expanded their AI partnership with Llama 2 on Azure and Windows, offering pre-trained and fine-tuned LLMs.
  • Amazon.Com, Inc. (AMZN): Amazon is introducing “Bedrock,” a generative AI product optimized for voice interactions.

AI in Defense

The U.S. government is encouraging tech firms to cooperate in AI development and prospective regulations. Palantir Technologies Inc recently expressed support for this collaboration and was awarded a $250 million contract from the US Department of Defense. Notable military-technology firms leading the way in U.S. defense include Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT), Northrop Grumman Corporation (NOC), RTX Corporation (RTX), L3Harris Technologies, Inc. (LHX), and more.

AI’s Ethical Frontier

Craig Martell’s office plays a crucial role in overseeing the Defense Department’s 800+ AI projects and ensuring compliance with strict safety and efficacy standards. The Pentagon’s approach prioritizes precision and accuracy, leaving no room for AI errors or “hallucinations.”

Editor Notes

As AI continues to play a significant role in defense and other sectors, the necessity for transparency and ethical considerations becomes paramount. The Pentagon’s push for AI firms to share more about their enigmatic technologies reflects the growing demand for responsible and accountable implementation of AI. It also underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between the government and private sector in shaping the future of AI.

For more articles on AI and the latest industry news, visit GPT News Room.

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Bing Creator AI Sparks Artistic Renaissance with DALL-E 3

DALL-E 3: Revolutionizing AI Artistry with Bing Creator AI

OpenAI has recently launched DALL-E 3, a cutting-edge AI art tool, in collaboration with Microsoft’s Bing Creator AI suite. This move has significantly enhanced the capabilities of the Bing Creator AI suite, specifically catering to digital art creators. Just ten days after its official announcement on September 20, the release of DALL-E 3 has already captured the attention of the digital art community.

A New Era in Digital Art

The digital art community on platforms like Reddit and Twitter is buzzing with excitement since the availability of DALL-E 3 on Bing. This latest upgrade brings remarkable improvements in image and text interpretation, resulting in enhanced digital art creation. Although OpenAI is yet to feature this upgrade on its official website, its integration with Microsoft’s platform is making waves in the AI artistry landscape.

DALL-E 3, a successor to the highly acclaimed DALL-E 2, has proven its prowess in the face of fierce competition from rivals like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. Unlike its predecessor, DALL-E 2, which fell short in previous evaluations, DALL-E 3 has showcased superior performance, surpassing its competitors and leaving them trailing behind. Notable influencers like MattVidPro on YouTube have already demonstrated the impressive capabilities of DALL-E 3 in their early reviews.

Maintaining the Balance: Innovation and Ethics

OpenAI has successfully struck a balance between innovation and ethics with the development of DALL-E 3. During the early stages of refining DALL-E 2 in July, select AI art fans, including MattVidPro, were given a glimpse of the upgrades. The initial outcomes were nothing short of captivating, with MattVidPro exclaiming, “This blows anything we’ve seen before out of the water; it’s insane.”

The sentiments expressed by MattVidPro echo the excitement shared by many within the art community, recognizing DALL-E 3 as a game-changer in the realm of digital art creation. Apart from its exceptional performance, DALL-E 3 also incorporates essential guardrails to prevent malicious or deceptive use. This commitment to ethical practices ensures a safer and regulated environment for users, fostering genuine creativity and innovation.

The quiet launch of DALL-E 3 signifies a significant step in OpenAI’s journey, combining sophistication, user-friendliness, and ethical principles in AI-driven digital artistry. This development further cements the Bing Creator AI suite’s position as a valuable resource for digital artists, ushering in an exciting era of AI-enabled art creation.

A Renaissance in Digital Art

With the public debut of DALL-E 3 on Bing, the global digital art community is poised to experience a renaissance driven by the fusion of human creativity and AI sophistication. This harmonious blend unlocks endless possibilities and sets the stage for groundbreaking artistry.

Editor Notes

In conclusion, the introduction of DALL-E 3 in collaboration with Microsoft’s Bing Creator AI suite marks a significant milestone for the AI artistry landscape. The remarkable enhancements made by OpenAI cater to the needs of digital art creators, providing them with a powerful and intuitive AI tool. The inclusion of ethical guardrails further ensures a safe and regulated environment for creativity to thrive. Overall, this development foreshadows an exciting future for AI-enabled digital art creation.

Editor’s note: For more information on the latest advancements in AI technology, visit GPT News Room.

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Introducing InternLM-20B: A 20B Parameter Pretrained AI Framework with Open-Source Capability

Introducing InternLM-20B: The Groundbreaking Advancement in Natural Language Processing

In the ever-evolving field of natural language processing, researchers are constantly striving to build models that can understand, reason, and generate text like humans. However, traditional language models have often fallen short of these expectations due to limited depth and training data. That’s where InternLM-20B comes in.

InternLM-20B is a groundbreaking 20 billion parameter pretrained model that represents a significant leap forward in language model architecture and training data quality. Unlike its predecessors, which typically employ shallower architectures, InternLM-20B boasts a profound 60-layer structure. This choice of a deeper architecture is based on the understanding that as model parameters increase, deeper architectures can enhance overall performance.

The Power of Training Data

One of the key factors that sets InternLM-20B apart is its meticulous approach to training data. The research team behind this model performed rigorous data cleansing and introduced knowledge-rich datasets during pretraining. This meticulous preparation significantly boosted the model’s capabilities in language understanding, reasoning, and knowledge retention.

The inclusion of vast amounts of high-quality data during the pretraining phase is a crucial aspect of InternLM-20B. Its architecture, featuring a whopping 60 layers, can accommodate an enormous number of parameters, enabling it to capture intricate patterns in text. This depth empowers the model to excel in language understanding, which is a fundamental aspect of natural language processing.

Exceptional Performance

InternLM-20B shines in various evaluation benchmarks, outperforming existing language understanding, reasoning, and knowledge retention models. One notable advantage of this model is its support for an impressive 16k context length, making it especially versatile for tasks requiring a more extensive textual context. This versatility makes InternLM-20B a valuable tool for various NLP applications, including chatbots, language translation, and document summarization.

The Revolution of Natural Language Processing

The introduction of InternLM-20B represents a groundbreaking advancement in natural language processing. By addressing the challenges of language model depth and data quality, researchers have created a model that excels across multiple dimensions. With its impressive capabilities, InternLM-20B holds immense potential to revolutionize numerous NLP applications, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards more human-like language understanding and generation.

In a world where communication and text-based AI systems play an increasingly vital role, InternLM-20B stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence in natural language processing.

Editor’s Notes

InternLM-20B is a remarkable achievement in the field of natural language processing. Its groundbreaking architecture and meticulous training data preparation have resulted in a model that surpasses its predecessors in performance and versatility. With its potential to revolutionize NLP applications, the future of language understanding and generation looks promising. To stay updated on the latest AI research news and cool projects, visit the GPT News Room.

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AI News Anchor: Sheryar Afridi Reports Breaking News #AI #SheryarAfridi #PTI

7 Effective Ways to Boost Your Website’s SEO Ranking

In this digital era, having a high search engine ranking is crucial for the success of your website. Ranking higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) ensures increased visibility, more organic traffic, and higher credibility for your site. So, how can you enhance your website’s SEO ranking? In this article, we will explore seven effective strategies that will help you climb the ranks and dominate the search engine game.

Targeting the Right Keywords: The Key to SEO Success

1. Extensive Keyword Research: The Foundation of Your SEO Strategy

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Proper keyword research is the first step towards a successful SEO strategy. By identifying the right keywords, you can better understand your target audience and what they are searching for. Utilize keyword research tools like SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant keywords with moderate competition and high search volume. Once you have a list of potential keywords, prioritize those that align closely with your website’s niche or topic. Remember, targeting the right keywords significantly enhances your chances of ranking on the first page of search results.

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2. On-Page Optimization: Fine-Tuning Your Website for SEO

On-page optimization plays a vital role in improving your website’s SEO ranking. Start by optimizing your website’s meta tags, including the title tag, meta description, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.). Ensure that your main keyword appears naturally within these tags to signal to search engines what your web page is about. Additionally, incorporate your keyword several times throughout the content while maintaining a natural flow. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can lead to penalties from search engines.

3. Compelling and Engaging Content: Captivating Your Audience

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Creating high-quality, compelling content is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. Your content should be unique, informative, and relevant to your target audience. Incorporate your main keyword throughout the content naturally, without compromising the user experience. Engaging content not only attracts visitors but also encourages them to stay longer on your website, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant.

4. Mobile Optimization: Prioritizing Mobile Users

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With the increasing number of mobile users, optimizing your website for mobile devices has become essential. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, using responsive design and fast-loading pages. Mobile optimization not only improves the user experience but also helps boost your SEO rankings. Search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their mobile search results, allowing you to reach a wider audience and increase your chances of higher rankings.

5. Building High-Quality Backlinks: Establishing Authority

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Building high-quality backlinks is an effective way to boost your website’s credibility and authority. Seek opportunities to collaborate with reputable websites and industry influencers, as their backlinks can significantly impact your rankings. Invest time in guest blogging, publishing articles on authoritative platforms, and creating valuable content that others would want to link back to. Quality backlinks act as endorsements for your website, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and reliable.

6. Optimizing Website Speed: A Need for Lightning-Fast Performance

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Website speed plays a crucial role in user experience and search engine rankings. Improve your website’s loading speed by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and reducing unnecessary plugins. A slow-loading website hampers user engagement, leading to higher bounce rates and potential loss of valuable leads. By consistently monitoring and optimizing your website’s speed, you can enhance both user satisfaction and search engine rankings.

7. Utilizing Social Media: Amplifying Your Online Presence

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Utilizing social media platforms is a powerful way to boost your online presence and improve SEO rankings. Engage with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, sharing valuable content and encouraging social sharing. Social media signals, such as shares and likes, indicate to search engines that your content is popular and relevant. This, in turn, can positively impact your SEO rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website.

**Editor Notes:**
At GPT News Room, we strive to provide you with the latest insights and trends in the ever-evolving digital world. Our team of experts is dedicated to keeping you informed about the best practices and strategies to enhance your website’s SEO ranking. Visit the [GPT News Room]( to explore a wide range of articles, expert opinions, and valuable resources to stay ahead in the digital landscape.


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Is Forefront AI superior to ChatGPT? Explore its features and benefits

**Key Takeaways**

Forefront AI is an online platform that provides access to five different LLMs and allows users to customize AI models to suit their needs. It also offers Personas, which are versions of LLMs trained to respond like specific individuals or fictional characters. While Forefront AI is versatile, it may have slower responses and less accuracy with Personas compared to using LLMs directly through ChatGPT.

**What Is Forefront AI?**

Forefront AI is an online platform that allows businesses and individuals to access five different LLMs: GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude Instant 1.2, Claude 2, and Forefront. GPT-3.5, Claude Instant, and Forefront are available for free, while GPT-4 and Claude 2 require a premium subscription. Users can either use these LLMs as they are or modify them to better suit their needs. Forefront AI also facilitates the integration of LLMs with other software programs and services, making it a comprehensive solution for combining natural language processing with desired applications.

Additionally, Forefront AI offers Personas for users to interact with. These Personas are specific versions of the available LLMs, such as financial analysts, legal translators, and software engineers. Users can even have conversations with historical figures and fictional characters like Joan of Arc, John Lennon, and Superman.

**Forefront’s Plan Tiers**

Forefront AI provides various plan tiers for its users:

1. Forefront AI Free Plan: This plan offers free access to GPT-3.5, Claude Instant 1.2, and Forefront with limitations of 100 messages per three hours.
2. Forefront AI Pro Plan: For $29/month, users can access all LLMs, including 30 messages for GPT-4 and Claude 2 per three hours.
3. Forefront AI Ultra Plan: This plan, priced at $69/month, provides unlimited access to all LLMs and allows users to send 70 messages for GPT-4 and Claude 2 per three hours.

The Pro and Ultra plans unlock additional features and higher message limits for users.

**The Downsides of Forefront AI**

Although Forefront AI is a versatile platform, it does have some drawbacks. The chat interface may occasionally have slow response times, especially when utilizing the internet search feature. Additionally, the Personas offered by Forefront may not always provide completely accurate responses due to outdated training data. Users should also be aware that using Forefront AI LLMs may result in less natural and human-like responses at times.

**Is Forefront AI Better Than ChatGPT?**

Forefront AI offers more versatility than ChatGPT, with five LLMs to choose from compared to ChatGPT’s two. However, using GPT-4 to its full extent requires a more expensive subscription through Forefront AI ($69/month) compared to the $20/month cost of ChatGPT Plus. Additionally, ChatGPT offers the convenience of a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, while Forefront AI is limited to desktop and browser access.

Comparing GPT-3.5 on Forefront AI to its use on OpenAI’s platform, there are notable differences in the responses. GPT-3.5 generally provides more detailed answers and information when used directly on the OpenAI website. For instance, when asked about the concept of comedy, GPT-3.5 on Forefront AI gave a 200-word response, whereas OpenAI provided a 500-word response with bullet points highlighting comedic elements. Similarly, when asked about the American Congress, GPT-3.5 on ChatGPT gave a 600-word response with bullet points, while Forefront AI provided a shorter 300-word response.

**Editor Notes**

In conclusion, Forefront AI offers a comprehensive platform for accessing and customizing LLMs, with the added bonus of interactive Personas. While it may have some limitations in terms of speed and accuracy, the range of LLMs available through Forefront AI makes it a solid choice for AI enthusiasts and businesses. To learn more about AI and its latest advancements, visit [GPT News Room](

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AI Chatbots Inspired by Baidu and Other Chinese Tech Giants Make Their Debut

China’s Baidu and several other tech companies have recently unveiled their own AI chatbots that resemble ChatGPT. These chatbots are designed for widespread use in the market, and their release comes just two weeks after the implementation of new AI regulations in China. These regulations now mandate that companies obtain government approval before deploying AI technologies.

The introduction of these ChatGPT-like chatbots by Chinese tech companies showcases their determination to continue innovating in the AI space despite the regulatory challenges. Baidu, in particular, has been at the forefront of AI developments in China and is known for its expertise in natural language processing.

With the rapid advancements in AI technology, chatbots have become increasingly popular tools for businesses and individuals alike. These virtual assistants can engage in conversations with users, provide information, and offer assistance in various scenarios.

As the demand for AI chatbots continues to grow, companies around the world are investing heavily in their development. ChatGPT, which was developed by OpenAI, has gained significant attention due to its impressive conversational capabilities. Now, Chinese tech companies are following suit by introducing their own versions of AI chatbots to cater to the specific needs of the Chinese market.

By launching these ChatGPT-like chatbots, Chinese tech companies aim to provide users with even more personalized and tailored experiences. These AI chatbots are equipped with advanced algorithms that enable them to understand and respond to user queries in a conversational manner. Furthermore, they can continuously learn and improve their responses based on user interactions.

One of the advantages of these AI chatbots is their ability to handle large volumes of inquiries simultaneously, which makes them ideal for customer support and other service-oriented roles. Whether it’s answering frequently asked questions, helping with product recommendations, or providing technical support, these chatbots can streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

Moreover, with the integration of natural language processing capabilities, these AI chatbots can understand and interpret the nuances of human language. They can comprehend context, detect sentiment, and deliver more accurate and contextually appropriate responses. This natural language understanding is crucial for ensuring a genuinely conversational experience for users.

However, despite the advancements in AI technology, these chatbots still have their limitations. They are primarily designed to handle predefined tasks and may struggle with complex or ambiguous queries. Additionally, there are privacy and security concerns associated with storing and processing user data.

Nonetheless, the introduction of ChatGPT-like AI chatbots in China marks an important milestone in the country’s AI landscape. It demonstrates the commitment of Chinese tech companies to harness the power of AI and provide innovative solutions to their users.

In conclusion, the release of ChatGPT-like AI chatbots by Chinese tech companies showcases their determination to push the boundaries of AI technology while complying with the recently implemented regulations. These chatbots offer personalized and conversational experiences, catering to the diverse needs of users in various domains. As AI continues to evolve, the development of sophisticated chatbots will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping the future of human-machine interaction.

Editor Notes:

The introduction of ChatGPT-like AI chatbots in China is a testament to the country’s dedication to artificial intelligence research and development. Despite the regulatory challenges, Chinese tech companies have managed to unleash their creativity and bring innovative solutions to the market. This highlights how the AI landscape is constantly evolving, with different countries and companies making significant contributions. To stay updated on the latest developments in AI, visit GPT News Room at


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Why Regulation Is Necessary: Addressing Challenges

The Dangers of Language Models and the Need for Regulation

Language models (LLMs) are powerful tools that have the ability to generate human-like text based on the patterns and examples they’ve been trained on. However, these models are not without their risks and drawbacks. One of the main concerns with LLMs is the inadvertent perpetuation of biases embedded in their training data. This can lead to the reinforcement of stereotypes and instances of discrimination.

Another significant problem is the potential for LLMs to craft highly convincing counterfeit news, deepfakes, and other forms of disinformation. This poses a substantial threat to public trust and the integrity of disseminated information. LLMs also have the capability to harvest and fabricate personal information, which can infringe upon individual privacy rights. For example, they can be used to create convincing phishing emails or life-like digital avatars that mimic real individuals in online interactions. Moreover, LLMs can be harnessed for malicious purposes, including the automation of cyberattacks, spam generation, and the propagation of harmful propaganda.

Global Efforts to Regulate LLMs

Recognizing the potential dangers associated with LLMs, there have been notable global efforts to establish a regulatory framework. One such initiative is the formulation of AI ethics protocols, which stress the importance of trustworthy AI characterized by transparency, fairness, and accountability. The European Union has been a prominent advocate of these protocols and has included them in its AI Act. Major platforms like Facebook have also taken steps to implement AI-driven content vetting mechanisms to identify and flag potentially harmful or misleading information generated by LLMs. India, through its proposed Digital India Act, is also working towards regulating online harms of AI. OpenAI, the creator of GPT-3.5, has implemented usage policies that restrict the deployment of its AI models in high-risk applications, particularly the manipulation of deepfakes.

The Role of Third-Party Audits in LLM Regulation

In addition to these regulatory initiatives, there is strong endorsement for the concept of third-party audits of LLMs. These audits would provide independent assessments of AI systems, evaluating their safety, impartiality, and adherence to ethical standards. The aim of these audits is to strike a balance between harnessing the potential of LLMs and mitigating the inherent risks they pose.


While LLMs offer immense potential and have various beneficial applications, the risks associated with their unregulated use cannot be ignored. Addressing the biases, disinformation, privacy concerns, and malicious uses of LLMs is crucial in order to leverage their capabilities responsibly and ethically. The global efforts to establish regulatory frameworks, AI ethics protocols, and third-party audits are important steps towards achieving this goal. By promoting transparency, fairness, and accountability in LLM development and deployment, we can ensure a safer and more trustworthy AI future.

Editor Notes

With the increasing influence of AI in our lives, it is important to consider the ethical implications and potential risks associated with its use. The regulation of LLMs is a significant development in this regard. By establishing frameworks and protocols, we can encourage responsible AI development and mitigate the risks posed by biased, misleading, or malicious use of these powerful language models. Third-party audits further add an additional layer of accountability and transparency. However, it is essential to strike a balance that allows for the innovation and benefits of AI while safeguarding against potential harms. Stay informed about the latest developments in AI and its regulation by visiting GPT News Room.

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OpenAI Partners with Scale to Support Model Fine-Tuning for Businesses

OpenAI has recently announced its collaboration with Scale, a leading data platform, to enhance businesses’ ability to fine-tune models. This strategic partnership aims to provide companies with the necessary tools and resources to optimize the performance of AI models according to their specific needs.

What is Model Fine-Tuning?

Model fine-tuning involves making adjustments to pre-trained AI models to improve their accuracy and suitability for specific tasks or industries. It allows businesses to customize existing models to align with their unique requirements, resulting in more efficient and effective AI solutions.

The Importance of Model Fine-Tuning

Model fine-tuning plays a vital role in maximizing the potential of AI models for various applications. By tailoring these models to specific domains, businesses can achieve higher accuracy, better performance, and more reliable results. This customization enables organizations to leverage AI technology in a way that directly addresses their specific challenges and objectives.

Benefits of OpenAI and Scale Partnership

The collaboration between OpenAI and Scale brings significant benefits to businesses seeking to fine-tune AI models. By combining OpenAI’s advanced language and image models with Scale’s robust data platform, companies can:

  • Optimize AI models for specific business needs
  • Enhance model accuracy and performance
  • Streamline and expedite the fine-tuning process
  • Access high-quality training data from Scale’s extensive datasets

How Businesses Can Leverage This Partnership

To leverage the OpenAI and Scale partnership, businesses can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the specific use case or domain that requires model fine-tuning.
  2. Gather relevant data related to the target task or industry.
  3. Collaborate with Scale to access their data platform and leverage their comprehensive dataset collection.
  4. Add the necessary modifications to OpenAI’s pre-trained models using Scale’s platform.
  5. Iterate and refine the fine-tuning process based on the desired outcomes.

Unlocking the Full Potential of AI with Model Fine-Tuning

Model fine-tuning empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of AI technologies. By customizing and optimizing pre-trained models, companies can gain a competitive edge, improve operational efficiency, and deliver more accurate and reliable AI-based solutions.

As AI continues to shape various industries, the ability to fine-tune models becomes increasingly valuable. The partnership between OpenAI and Scale aims to bridge this gap and provide businesses with the necessary tools and expertise to maximize the performance of AI models.

Editor’s Notes

At the forefront of AI advancements, OpenAI continually seeks to cement valuable partnerships such as the one with Scale. With the ability to fine-tune models, businesses can expect to witness significant improvements in AI performance, accuracy, and reliability.

To stay updated with the latest AI news, innovations, and collaborations, visit GPT News Room.


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Analyzing OpenAI’s Traction and Revenue Growth: Insights from a $90B Valuation in September 2023

OpenAI’s Bright Future: Revenue Forecasts and Valuation Insights

The recent news about OpenAI seeking to sell shares has sparked intrigue and raised questions about the company’s valuation. According to reports from The Wall Street Journal, the company is aiming for a valuation in the impressive range of $80-$90 billion. OpenAI, which is partially owned by Microsoft, has shared its ambitious revenue projections with investors. The company expects to generate $1 billion in revenue this year and is forecasted to generate billions more in 2024. This substantial increase in valuation cannot be attributed solely to hype; there must be strong revenue growth and an expansion of their market.

One key factor to consider is OpenAI’s revenue projection. In December 2022, a Bloomberg report suggested that the company would generate around $200 million in revenue in 2023 and $1 billion in 2024. However, these numbers have been revised upward significantly. The expected revenue for this year is now five times greater than previously anticipated. This indicates that OpenAI’s ChatGPT is more than just hype.

Contrary to speculations and doubts raised by some, market data confirms the viability of OpenAI and ChatGPT. For example, a chart from a16z shows that there were already two million ChatGPT Plus subscribers in the United States as of July 2023. This alone suggests a potential annual revenue of $500 million from just one aspect of OpenAI’s services. Additionally, there are fees for companies that directly access OpenAI’s API services, as well as the revenue generated from ChatGPT Enterprise, which costs $60 per user per month. If we consider a global subscriber base of ChatGPT Plus closer to four million, the potential annual revenue could easily reach the billion-dollar mark.

It’s worth noting that ChatGPT Plus was not even available in the first quarter of 2023, so the revenue generated this year is likely to be primarily from other sources. The rest of the projected $1 billion revenue is expected to come from ChatGPT Enterprise and the foundation model family of APIs.

OpenAI’s revenue growth also reflects the broader generative AI industry’s potential. NVIDIA, for example, has been generating incremental revenue from its AI-optimized chips. OpenAI’s acceleration suggests that there is significant revenue growth happening at the foundational model and software layers. The impact of this growth on the industry as a whole is yet to be fully understood, but it does provide some clarity on Amazon’s $4 billion investment in Anthropic.

Aside from the revenue forecast, another noteworthy aspect of OpenAI’s current situation is that the company is not seeking additional capital but instead offering liquidity to its employees. This decision implies that OpenAI has reached a point where it doesn’t require immediate funding. However, the article also suggests that OpenAI may tap into the investment market again, indicating that this move could set a new valuation price for the company’s upcoming funding round.

Some readers may question the significance of valuations in relation to actual value creation. They argue that valuations can be influenced by hype and are therefore unreliable indicators of a company’s true value. While this skepticism is valid to some extent, valuations do provide insights into how capital markets perceive companies in this industry. Over time, the trend lines will reveal a more accurate story. OpenAI’s maturity and progress in the business world distinguish it from its peers. What may have been considered mere noise in the past is now starting to show promising signs.

Putting the valuation aside, the fact that OpenAI is forecasting $1 billion in revenue this year is a crucial point. It demonstrates that generative AI technology is not only captivating but also highly valued by both businesses and consumers. These revenue projections reinforce the notion of tangible value creation, as opposed to mere hype. However, it’s important to note that the reported valuation is still unverified, and the final value may differ. Only time will reveal the true extent of OpenAI’s success.

Now, I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter. Do you agree or disagree with the importance of revenue forecasts and valuations? Please share your opinions in the comments section below!

Editor Notes: Seeking New Frontiers in AI

OpenAI’s journey and recent developments highlight the incredible potential of AI technology. The company’s projected revenue and valuation demonstrate that generative AI has evolved from a fascinating concept to a thriving business opportunity.

As AI continues to advance, we can expect more groundbreaking innovations and transformative applications across various industries. In this era of rapid technological progress, keeping up with the latest AI news and developments is essential.

For all the latest updates and insights on AI, I highly recommend visiting GPT News Room. It’s an invaluable resource for AI enthusiasts, professionals, and anyone interested in staying on top of the AI revolution. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your knowledge and explore the limitless possibilities of AI. Visit GPT News Room today!

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Friday 29 September 2023

What remains to be explored in OpenAI Dev Day?

OpenAI DevDay: What to Expect from the Biggest Developers’ Conference

The highly anticipated OpenAI DevDay, the first-ever conference from OpenAI, is just around the corner. Set to take place on November 6, this one-day event is generating a lot of buzz in the developer community. Led by the OpenAI technical staff, the conference will feature a keynote address, breakout sessions, and a host of exciting announcements. But with OpenAI already making a string of recent announcements, including GPT-4V(ision), UI for fine-tuning, and the release of GPT 3.5 Turbo Instruct, what else do they have left to reveal?

Addressing the speculation surrounding GPT-5, OpenAI’s chief, Sam Altman, has made it clear that there will be no announcements regarding GPT-5 at DevDay. However, he did hint that there will still be plenty to excite developers. Despite the absence of GPT-5, Altman believes that attendees will be extremely pleased with what OpenAI has in store for them.

Securing an invitation to OpenAI DevDay is no easy feat. The event is notoriously exclusive, and even if you’re lucky enough to be approved, you’ll still need to shell out $450 to attend. That being said, expectations and predictions for the conference are running high.

While ruling out GPT-5, recent rumors suggest that OpenAI may already be in possession of a powerful model known as Arrakis. There has also been speculation that OpenAI now possesses AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), although this claim is still up for debate. Altman even took to Reddit to make a playful joke about the situation. With Altman expressing excitement about showcasing OpenAI’s latest work to enable developers to create new things, there are rumors swirling that there may be a developers’ competition at DevDay, where OpenAI could potentially scout talent to join their team.

OpenAI is currently experiencing rapid growth, expanding its office space and actively hiring for various roles, including engineers, data scientists, and developers. Altman has emphasized that now is an incredible time to join the company, further fueling speculation about what OpenAI has planned for the future.

Developers have been advocating for a cost reduction on GPT-4, specifically requesting a session-based API that would eliminate the need to send all messages via the current stateless API. It remains to be seen if OpenAI will heed these requests. Another potential groundbreaking announcement could be OpenAI upgrading all of its models to GPT-4 or even making GPT-3.5 open source, creating a significant shake-up in the open-source model market.

Interestingly, OpenAI is also rumored to be entering the hardware business. WHOOP recently announced a partnership with OpenAI to launch WHOOP Coach, the most advanced generative AI feature ever released by a wearable. This collaboration suggests that OpenAI could integrate its generative AI capabilities into various hardware designs. While an OpenAI phone seems unlikely due to the extensive competition in the market, OpenAI could explore opportunities in smaller hardware products such as smartwatches or smart rings.

Another possibility is OpenAI collaborating with Microsoft on an “AI bag” that would enable users to interact with AI models. However, given the complex history between OpenAI and Microsoft, it’s also plausible that OpenAI may pursue its own hardware endeavors. Additionally, OpenAI’s recent development of GPT-4V(ision) indicates a potential foray into computer vision products, making XR headsets a natural fit for the company.

OpenAI’s recent acquisition of Global Illumination, a 3D world designing company, suggests a potential move into the gaming industry. This acquisition aligns with OpenAI’s vision of creating a metaverse-type simulation with AI bots, a concept that could have far-reaching implications in gaming.

With numerous predictions already circulating about DevDay, the anticipation is reaching a fever pitch. While GPT-5 may not be on the agenda, there is still an abundance of exciting possibilities for OpenAI to unveil. As always, OpenAI aims to push the boundaries of what’s possible in AI and generate excitement within the developer community.

Editor’s Notes

OpenAI DevDay is undoubtedly one of the most highly anticipated events in the developer world. As AI continues to advance, conferences like these allow experts to come together, share their insights, and shape the future of the industry. OpenAI has consistently pushed the boundaries of what AI can do, and DevDay is the perfect platform for them to showcase their latest innovations.

As an AI Guru, I can’t help but be excited about the possibilities that OpenAI DevDay brings. It’s a unique opportunity to learn from and connect with some of the brightest minds in the field. If you’re interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and want to be a part of shaping its future, I highly recommend following GPT News Room. They provide excellent coverage and analysis of all things AI-related. Make sure to check them out at

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Could generative AI be the solution to computer science’s most challenging unresolved problem?

Tiernan Ray and ClipDrop by Generative AI Assists in Solving the P = NP Problem

The Quest for Solving P = NP

Computer scientists have long pondered the unsolved problem of whether P equals NP. This question, which holds implications for various fields including cryptography and quantum computing, has remained unresolved despite years of extensive research. However, a recent breakthrough suggests that generative AI may hold the key to finding an answer.

Unlocking Insights with Large Language Models

In a recent study titled “Large Language Model for Science: A Study on P vs. NP,” researchers from Microsoft, Peking University, Beihang University, and Beijing Technology and Business University utilized OpenAI’s GPT-4 to explore the P = NP problem. By employing a Socratic Method, the team fed arguments from a previous paper to GPT-4 and analyzed its responses.

The P = NP Problem Explained

The P = NP problem, originally formulated by Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin in the 1970s, investigates the ease of solving problems using computers. The letter P represents problems that are feasible and easily verifiable, while NP represents problems that are also easy to verify but do not have known computational solutions.

A Glimpse into the Research Process

Dong and the team conducted 97 rounds of conversation with GPT-4, using tailored prompts to guide the AI’s thinking process. Their objective was to lead GPT-4 to conclude that P does not equal NP by contradicting example-based assumptions. This approach allowed them to reconstruct their formal math paper using GPT-4’s language generation capabilities.

Assessing the Results and Potential

While it remains uncertain whether the findings from GPT-4 definitively prove that P does not equal NP, this research highlights the potential of large language models to collaborate with humans in tackling complex problems. The authors emphasize that GPT-4’s responses offer valuable insights and possibilities for scientific discovery.

The Limitations and Further Investigations

Some researchers have criticized large language models for their limitations in depth and coherence. Evaluating the true depth and quality of GPT-4’s responses requires further investigation. However, the study provides compelling evidence of the potential of generative AI to engage in expert-level problem-solving.

Editor Notes

In this groundbreaking research, generative AI demonstrates its ability to contribute to solving complex computational problems. As the capabilities of large language models continue to expand, collaboration between AI and human experts paves the way for new discoveries. For more AI-related news and updates, visit GPT News Room.

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Attention Shareholders: Pomerantz Law Firm Notifies Investors of Class Action Lawsuit and Approaching Deadline for Applied Digital Corporation Losses

**Editor Notes: An Opinion Piece on Applied Digital Corporation and the Class Action Lawsuit**

Pomerantz LLP recently filed a class action lawsuit against Applied Digital Corporation (NASDAQ: APLD) and certain officers. The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, accuses the company of violating federal securities laws. The class action represents all individuals and entities, excluding the defendants, who purchased or acquired Applied Digital securities between April 13, 2022, and July 26, 2023.

The lawsuit seeks to recover damages caused by the defendants’ violations and pursue remedies under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5. Shareholders who purchased or acquired Applied Digital securities during the Class Period have until October 11, 2023, to request appointment as Lead Plaintiff for the class. The full complaint can be accessed at

Applied Digital, formerly known as Applied Blockchain, is a company that deals with datacenters in North America. It provides AI cloud services, computing datacenter hosting, and crypto datacenter hosting services. In April 2022, Applied Digital conducted its initial public offering (IPO), raising approximately $40 million. The IPO was underwritten by B. Riley Securities, an investment bank and subsidiary of B. Riley Financial, which has significant ties to Applied Digital.

The class action lawsuit alleges that Applied Digital made false and misleading statements about its business, operations, and compliance policies throughout the Class Period. Specifically, defendants are accused of overstating the profitability of its datacenter hosting business and its ability to transition into a low-cost AI cloud services provider. The lawsuit also claims that Applied Digital’s board of directors did not meet the independence requirements under NASDAQ listing rules.

In July 2023, market analysts began scrutinizing Applied Digital’s business model and the close connections between Applied Digital and B. Riley. Short reports from Wolfpack Research and The Bear Cave questioned the viability of Applied Digital’s business model and alleged that the company was not truly an AI company. These reports resulted in a significant drop in Applied Digital’s stock price.

Additionally, The Friendly Bear published a short report stating that B. Riley controls managerial decisions at Applied Digital to the detriment of its shareholders. It also pointed out that Applied Digital’s board does not meet the independence requirements under NASDAQ rules and is essentially controlled by B. Riley.

**H2: Background on Applied Digital Corporation and its IPO**

Applied Digital, formerly known as Applied Blockchain, is a company that operates datacenters in North America and provides AI cloud services, computing datacenter hosting, and crypto datacenter hosting services. The company conducted its IPO in April 2022, with B. Riley Securities as the primary underwriter.

H2 Subheader: Close Connections between Applied Digital and B. Riley

According to the Offering Documents issued in connection with the IPO, Applied Digital disclosed multiple close connections between the company and B. Riley. For example, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Applied Digital, Wesley Cummins, sold a majority interest in a registered investment adviser controlled by Cummins to B. Riley Financial. Cummins also served as the CEO and President of B. Riley Capital Management, LLC.

Two members of Applied Digital’s board, Chuck Hastings and Virginia Moore, also had close ties to B. Riley. Hastings served as the CEO of B. Riley Wealth Management, Inc., while Moore was married to the CEO of B. Riley Securities.

H2 Subheader: Compliance with NASDAQ Listing Rules

As a publicly traded company on NASDAQ, Applied Digital is required to comply with certain listing rules. According to NASDAQ Listing Rule 5605(b)(2), a majority of the company’s board of directors must consist of independent directors. The rule defines an independent director as someone who does not have a relationship that would interfere with independent judgment.

Despite the close ties between Applied Digital and B. Riley, the company assured investors in its IPO Prospectus that it had structured its board composition and corporate governance to meet NASDAQ requirements.

H2 Subheader: Allegations of Misrepresentation and Corporate Governance Issues

The class action lawsuit alleges that Applied Digital made false and misleading statements about its business, operations, and compliance policies. These alleged misrepresentations include the overstatement of the profitability of its datacenter hosting business and its ability to transition into a low-cost AI cloud services provider.

The lawsuit also claims that Applied Digital’s board of directors did not meet the independence requirements set by NASDAQ. This lack of independence is said to have led to improper corporate governance standards.

H2 Subheader: Scrutiny of Applied Digital’s Business Model

In July 2023, market analysts began questioning Applied Digital’s business model and examining the connections between Applied Digital and B. Riley. Reports from Wolfpack Research and The Bear Cave raised concerns about the viability of the company’s business model.

Wolfpack Research stated that Applied Digital falsely claimed to pivot from hosting bitcoin miners to becoming a low-cost AI Cloud service provider. The Bear Cave report highlighted Applied Digital’s corporate history and criticized the company’s reliance on puffery over substance.

These reports led to a significant drop in Applied Digital’s stock price on July 6, 2023.

**Editor Notes: Opinion on the Class Action Lawsuit Against Applied Digital Corporation**

The class action lawsuit against Applied Digital Corporation raises concerns about the company’s alleged misrepresentations and corporate governance issues. Shareholders who purchased or acquired Applied Digital securities during the Class Period may have suffered financial losses as a result. The lawsuit seeks to hold the company accountable for its actions and provide remedies for affected shareholders.

It is essential for investors to have confidence in the companies they invest in. Misrepresentations and improper corporate governance can undermine this confidence and potentially harm shareholders’ financial interests. The outcome of the class action lawsuit will shed light on the allegations against Applied Digital and may provide recourse for affected shareholders.

**Editor Notes:**

The class action lawsuit against Applied Digital Corporation highlights the importance of transparency and proper corporate governance in the business world. Shareholders place trust in public companies, relying on accurate information to make informed investment decisions. When companies misrepresent their business operations or fail to maintain appropriate corporate governance standards, shareholders may suffer financial losses.

It is encouraging to see legal action being taken to address alleged violations of securities laws and protect the interests of shareholders. By holding companies accountable for their actions, class action lawsuits play a crucial role in promoting fair and transparent business practices.

Investors should remain vigilant and conduct thorough due diligence before investing in any company. Consulting with legal and financial professionals can provide valuable guidance and help protect investors from potential fraud or misrepresentation.

For more news and updates on legal battles and corporate governance issues, visit the GPT News Room at

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The Impact of ChatGPT on Education

Challenges and Opportunities: AI’s Impact on Education

Educators are still grappling with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused significant learning loss for students. However, a new challenge looms on the horizon – the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into education. In this post, we will explore the challenges posed by AI in education and discuss some ideas and steps being taken to address them.

The UNESCO’s Guidance on Generative AI for Education

Recently, UNESCO, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, released its first global guidance on Generative AI for Education. This comprehensive document covers several areas:

  • A basic definition of Generative AI and its historical context, including the development of ChatGPT using Transformer technology.
  • Concerns regarding the use of Generative AI in education, such as cheating and the potential for widening the digital divide.
  • The lag in regulation compared to technological advancements, with only one nation currently having regulations in place.
  • The importance of educating students and teachers about AI and leveraging AI to enhance education.

Other Notable Guidances

In addition to UNESCO’s guidance, OpenAI has also issued a guidance specifically for educators on using ChatGPT in teaching. This document provides examples of exercises and teaching strategies that incorporate ChatGPT. However, it acknowledges that the AI may generate incorrect information.

Key Takeaways from the Guidances

These two guidances highlight the wide-ranging impact AI will have on education, targeting different audiences and highlighting different aspects:

  • The UNESCO Guidance emphasizes the need for governments, countries, and organizations to consider the long-term effects of AI on education.
  • The OpenAI Guidance showcases the current applications of ChatGPT in education and the potential for further exploration.

Furthermore, these guidances stress that individuals at all levels – be it government leaders, teachers, school officials, students, or parents – must make decisions regarding the role of Generative AI in their lives and communities.

The Skills Debate and Future Job Landscape

Beyond the immediate guidance, a larger question looms: as AI systems like ChatGPT demonstrate proficiency in various tests traditionally used to assess human skills and knowledge, how will future jobs evolve? What skills will be required? And can education systems keep up with the rapid pace of technological development? Failure to address these issues could leave a generation of children unprepared for the job market.

The Future of Education and AI

Looking ahead, it is clear that AI will deeply impact every aspect of education. All teachers and students must be equipped with AI literacy, and communities and countries must support them in shaping the next generation’s minds to thrive alongside AI.

Editor Notes

As AI continues to transform the landscape of education, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest developments and discussions surrounding AI in education. For reliable news and insights on AI and other emerging technologies, visit GPT News Room.

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Scientists use AI for weather prediction: “Traditional algorithms are less accurate in predicting strong winds” | TVBS News @TVBSNEWS01

Have you noticed how extreme weather events are becoming more frequent around the world? Morocco, located in North Africa, recently experienced temperatures soaring above 50 degrees Celsius, while Bolivia in the southern hemisphere saw a rare occurrence of snowfall in August. In light of these alarming climate patterns, scientists in Europe have turned to AI technology to predict weather conditions. However, their experiments have revealed that traditional methods still yield more accurate results when it comes to forecasting strong winds.

It is evident that the world is grappling with the devastating effects of climate change, and these extreme weather phenomena are just a glimpse of what the future might hold. To better understand and prepare for such events, scientists have been exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in weather prediction.

AI technology, with its ability to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns, holds great promise in predicting weather conditions accurately. By analyzing historical weather data, satellite imagery, and other relevant information, AI algorithms can identify trends and make predictions about future weather events. This can be particularly useful in forecasting extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes, heatwaves, and heavy rainfall.

However, recent experiments conducted by European scientists have raised questions about the effectiveness of AI in predicting certain weather phenomena, especially strong winds. Despite the advanced capabilities of AI, it seems that traditional models still outperform AI algorithms in accurately predicting the occurrence and intensity of strong winds.

While AI can provide valuable insights into weather patterns, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of this technology. Weather systems are incredibly complex, and multiple factors contribute to the formation and movement of winds. It is challenging for AI algorithms to capture all these intricacies accurately. Moreover, AI heavily relies on the quality and quantity of data it receives. Inadequate or incomplete data can lead to inaccuracies in predictions.

Nonetheless, the potential of AI in weather prediction cannot be dismissed. Researchers and scientists continue to explore ways to improve AI models and enhance their accuracy. The combination of AI algorithms with traditional models may hold the key to more reliable and precise weather forecasts.

In conclusion, the use of AI in weather prediction is a promising development that could revolutionize our understanding of climate patterns and help us prepare for extreme weather events. While AI has shown significant potential in some areas, it still has limitations, particularly when it comes to predicting strong winds. Continued research and advancements in AI technology will undoubtedly refine its capabilities and make it an invaluable tool for meteorologists and climate scientists in the future.

Editor Notes:

AI technology has undoubtedly revolutionized various industries, and its potential in weather prediction is no exception. As climate change continues to pose significant challenges, leveraging AI to better understand and predict extreme weather events is crucial. The experiments conducted by European scientists shed light on the complexities of forecasting strong winds accurately—an aspect where traditional models still outperform AI algorithms.

At GPT News Room, we are committed to covering the latest advancements and breakthroughs in AI across various fields, including weather prediction. Stay updated with the latest news and insights on AI by visiting our website.


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Unveiling the Secrets of ChatGPT: The Game-Changing Transformations of OpenAI’s Language Model in Conversational AI

Welcome to the Future of Conversational AI: OpenAI’s Groundbreaking Language Model, ChatGPT

In this article, we will explore the magic behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a revolutionary technology that has captivated the world with its ability to engage in intelligent and captivating conversations. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or simply curious about cutting-edge advancements in language models, join us as we uncover all there is to know about ChatGPT.

Introduction to ChatGPT and OpenAI

ChatGPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a state-of-the-art conversational AI model developed by OpenAI, one of the world’s leading AI research companies. Built on the powerful transformer architecture, ChatGPT has the ability to process large amounts of text data and generate human-like responses. OpenAI’s mission is to develop friendly AI that benefits humanity, and they have released several groundbreaking models and tools, including ChatGPT.

ChatGPT’s Journey

ChatGPT was first introduced in 2019 as GPT-2, a large-scale language model trained on 1.5 billion parameters using unsupervised learning. This means that the model learns from vast amounts of data without explicit instructions from humans. In 2020, OpenAI released an even more advanced version called GPT-3, with over 175 billion parameters, making it one of the largest language models ever created.

Key Features of ChatGPT

One of the key features that sets ChatGPT apart is its use of unsupervised learning. Unlike traditional language models that rely on hand-crafted rules and supervised training, ChatGPT can process text data without human-labeled annotations. It also utilizes self-attention mechanisms, allowing it to capture complex relationships between words and generate coherent and contextually relevant responses.

Impressive Natural Language Processing Capabilities

ChatGPT boasts impressive natural language processing capabilities. It can understand and generate text in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, and more. Additionally, it can perform various NLP tasks such as machine translation, question-answering, summarization, and sentiment analysis without the need for additional fine-tuning or training.

Endless Potential Use Cases

The potential use cases for ChatGPT are endless. From chatbots for customer service to personal assistants like Siri or Alexa, ChatGPT can enhance customer experiences and revolutionize the way we interact with machines. Its ability to generate high-quality conversations and extensive knowledge base make it a valuable tool in conversational AI.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a neural network-based language model that uses deep learning techniques to understand and generate text. It learns patterns and relationships between words, phrases, and sentences by processing large amounts of data. Its pre-training on diverse sources such as books, articles, websites, and social media conversations enables it to mimic human-like responses and hold coherent conversations.

Unveiling the Technology Behind ChatGPT

Built upon the Transformer architecture, ChatGPT uses state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to generate human-like responses. What sets it apart is its use of unsupervised learning, where it learns from vast amounts of data without pre-programmed rules. The use of GPT-3, with its 175 billion parameters, and attention mechanisms ensures coherence and relevance in its replies, resulting in more natural-sounding conversations.

Advantages of ChatGPT in Conversational AI

ChatGPT offers numerous advantages in conversational AI:

1. High-Quality Conversations: Due to its extensive training on a wide range of data, ChatGPT can generate high-quality conversations that are indistinguishable from human ones. Its understanding of context allows it to produce relevant responses without sounding robotic.

2. Extensive Knowledge Base: With information on almost every imaginable topic, ChatGPT serves as a valuable resource for users seeking information or assistance.

3. Easy Implementation: ChatGPT’s capabilities can be easily implemented in various applications, from customer service chatbots to personal assistants.

Editor Notes

ChatGPT represents a significant leap forward in conversational AI, with its ability to engage in intelligent and coherent conversations. As this technology continues to develop, we can expect even more impressive advancements in the field. OpenAI’s dedication to developing friendly AI that benefits humanity is evident in their continuous pursuit of groundbreaking models and tools.

For more news and updates on AI and technology, visit GPT News Room.

Opinion Piece

The advent of ChatGPT marks a significant milestone in the field of conversational AI. Its ability to effortlessly engage in meaningful and human-like conversations opens up a world of possibilities for various industries. From transforming customer service experiences to improving personal assistants, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines. While there might still be challenges to overcome, the future of conversational AI looks promising, and ChatGPT is leading the way.

Editor Notes

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Google Tightens Access to Publishers’ Content for ChatGPT and Bard: A Detailed Overview

Since its arrival in November 2022, ChatGPT has become the center of attention in the world of generative AI. However, this technology has not been without its challenges. Concerns have been raised about issues such as plagiarism and the sources of data used by AI models like ChatGPT and Bard. In response to these concerns, Google has announced new controls that allow publishers to have more say in how their content is used by generative AI tools.

In a blog post by Danielle Romain, VP of Trust at Google, it was stated that web publishers have expressed their desire for greater choice and control over how their content is utilized by emerging generative AI applications. To address this, Google is introducing a new control called Google-Extended. This control gives website administrators the ability to manage whether their sites contribute to the improvement of AI models like Bard and Vertex AI. By using Google-Extended, publishers can decide whether they want to assist these AI models in becoming more accurate and advanced over time.

Google-Extended is a standalone product token that can be used by web publishers to control access to their content and determine its impact on generative AI models. This allows publishers to have a say in whether their data is used by AI tools for enhancing their capabilities. Companies like Google rely on web crawlers to gather data and improve their AI models. For example, Google’s common crawlers are used to build search indices and perform specific analysis for various products.

Google emphasizes that making tools like Google-Extended available through robots.txt is an essential step towards providing transparency and control. The goal is to establish a standard where all providers of AI models offer similar transparency and control options to their users.

Romain acknowledges that as AI applications and tools continue to expand, web publishers will face increasing challenges in managing the various uses of their content at scale. The introduction of Google-Extended aims to empower publishers by giving them the ability to make informed decisions about how their content is utilized by generative AI models.

Overall, Google’s move to provide publishers with greater control over their content in the context of generative AI is a positive step towards addressing concerns in the industry. By introducing Google-Extended, Google is offering transparency and allowing publishers to have a say in the utilization of their data for AI advancements. This not only benefits publishers but also promotes a more ethical and responsible approach to AI development.

Editor Notes: The Impact of Google’s New Controls for Publishers on the Future of AI

Google’s introduction of new controls for publishers represents a significant development in the world of generative AI. By empowering publishers to manage the usage of their content by AI models, Google is setting a precedent for other providers to prioritize transparency and user control.

This move highlights the importance of ethical considerations in AI development. Publishers have long been concerned about their data being scraped and used without their consent, and Google’s initiative addresses this issue head-on. By allowing publishers to decide whether their content contributes to the improvement of AI models, Google is fostering a more collaborative and responsible approach to AI advancement.

Furthermore, Google’s emphasis on transparency and control sets a standard for the industry. It encourages other providers of AI models to follow suit and offer similar controls to their users. This not only benefits publishers but also ensures that the AI ecosystem operates in a more ethical and accountable manner.

As generative AI continues to evolve and play a crucial role in various industries, it is vital to prioritize the interests and concerns of content creators. Google’s new controls for publishers are a step in the right direction, promoting a more balanced and respectful relationship between AI technology and its human creators.

For more news and insights on the latest developments in AI, visit GPT News Room.

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Thursday 28 September 2023

GeekWire: Redfin CEO Raises Concerns about AI’s Impact on Housing Tech Following Encounter with OpenAI’s Sam Altman

Redfin CEO, Glenn Kelman, recently discussed the challenges and risks associated with integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into real estate search. During a virtual panel discussion hosted by Pacaso, a real estate startup, Kelman advised caution due to the heavy regulation surrounding the housing industry. OpenAI, in partnership with Redfin and Zillow Group, had introduced ChatGPT plugins to enhance online home searches. However, after concerns were raised about discriminatory risks related to chatbots, OpenAI deactivated the real estate plugins in response to a report from Redfin. Both Redfin and Zillow are working with OpenAI to ensure fair housing standards are met. Redfin provided a document to OpenAI that exemplified how ChatGPT should respond to housing-related queries in compliance with fair housing regulations. Zillow, on the other hand, is currently focusing on different AI priorities.

The release of these plugins raised questions about the potential racial discrimination and violation of fair housing laws. An Inman report highlighted that users could inquire about specific demographic associations with neighborhoods. Kelman addressed how Redfin avoids bias or discrimination when constructing AI models to identify buyer likelihood. He stressed that the company does not provide demographic information during model training, thus eliminating bias related to user data. Redfin took the step in 2021 of excluding neighborhood crime data from its platform due to concerns about reinforcing racial bias. They settled a lawsuit in 2020 which claimed that their minimum home price policy violated the Fair Housing Act.

The increased use of automation and the availability of large amounts of data have generated discussions about discrimination in online marketplaces. Kelman acknowledged that bias in AI systems is a complex and challenging problem that extends beyond real estate search. While AI has made significant strides in real estate by predicting prices and recommending homes, Kelman mentioned that most real estate agents use ChatGPT as a tool for generating emails. These developments were discussed during a panel that included Spencer Rascoff, the former CEO of Zillow Group and co-founder of Pacaso.

Kelman also provided insights into the current state of the housing market. Unlike the 2008 financial crisis, the current market lacks widespread distress, limiting the number of homes available for sale due to low inventory. Furthermore, a recent study by Redfin indicated that more than 90% of homeowners have mortgage rates below 6%, discouraging them from selling their current homes. Kelman suggested that changes in adjustable rate mortgages or sudden economic shifts could influence the housing market. However, he described the market as sluggish, with only 4 million units being transacted annually, down from 6 million in 2021.

The panel also touched on two class-action lawsuits that could potentially impact the structure of the real estate industry. These lawsuits focus on buyer-agent commission structures and argue that they artificially inflate commissions in the U.S. Kelman speculated that while judges may be hesitant to significantly alter the industry, the Department of Justice (DOJ) could take more aggressive action in response.

Additionally, the return-to-office trend has influenced housing markets. Kelman observed a housing rebound in cities like Seattle, as large companies call employees back to the office. Many workers who relocated to more affordable regions during the pandemic are now returning. Companies like Redfin and Amazon have already summoned employees back to their workplaces, leading to increased activity in certain housing markets.

In conclusion, the integration of AI in real estate search presents challenges and raises concerns about potential discrimination. Redfin and Zillow are actively working with OpenAI to ensure fair housing standards are met with the use of ChatGPT. Despite the intricacies involved in eliminating bias from AI systems, AI has been successful in predicting prices and recommending homes. The housing market is currently facing low inventory and slowing transactions, but potential changes in mortgage rates or economic conditions could lead to movement in the market. Two ongoing class-action lawsuits are also under scrutiny, while the return-to-office trend is impacting certain housing markets. Overall, the real estate industry continues to navigate these complex issues as it strives for a fair and efficient marketplace.

[Editor Notes]
The discussion surrounding the integration of AI in real estate search raises important considerations regarding fair housing standards and potential discrimination. Redfin and Zillow’s collaboration with OpenAI demonstrates a commitment to addressing these concerns and ensuring that AI models meet ethical guidelines. As AI technology continues to advance, it is crucial for companies to prioritize fairness, transparency, and accountability. By doing so, the real estate industry can leverage AI to enhance the home buying process while maintaining a level playing field for all users. For more updates on AI’s role in various sectors, visit GPT News Room.

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Replace Siri with ChatGPT on iPhone 15 Pro: Step-by-Step Guide

June Wan/ZDNET

Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri were incredibly popular when they first emerged approximately ten years ago. However, the advancement of generative AI models has created a demand for more intelligent voice assistants. By utilizing this handy iPhone hack, you can upgrade from Siri to ChatGPT effortlessly. 

Last week, both Amazon and OpenAI made two significant announcements that revolutionize the capabilities of voice assistants. First, Amazon introduced a new LLM for Alexa, aimed at enabling her to function as a hands-free version of ChatGPT.  

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Simultaneously, OpenAI released an update for ChatGPT, granting it the ability to “see, hear, and speak” by accepting voice and image inputs and providing voice responses.  

Conversing with ChatGPT using your voice elevates the chatbot to the level of a voice assistant like Siri, allowing it to replace Siri on your iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone Pro Max through the use of the new Action button. 

The Action button, which replaces the side slider, permits users to perform various personalized actions based on their specific needs, such as accessing the camera, flashlight, Voice Memos, and even ChatGPT.

Also: How to maximize the potential of the iPhone 15 Pro’s Action Button

If you would like to be able to easily access ChatGPT with a single tap on your new iPhone, we have provided simple instructions on how to do so below. 

Efficiently Accessing ChatGPT on iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max

To have the Action button open ChatGPT, you need to download the app from the App Store, which is available for free. 

Ensure that you download the official OpenAI app that resembles the one shown in the photo above, as there are several imitations of ChatGPT on the App Store. 

Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET

Once you have downloaded the app, it’s time to assign ChatGPT as the Action button. To do this, follow the steps: Settings > Action Button > Shortcut. When the visual of the side button appears, swipe to the Shortcut option, click on “Choose a feature,” and select the ChatGPT app. 

If you want to replace Siri’s voice assistant features with this shortcut, you must upgrade to ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20 per month and provides access to ChatGPT’s listening and speaking capabilities. 

The upgrade also includes additional exciting features, such as the ability for ChatGPT to browse the internet and provide citations, which are game-changers for the chatbot. 

Also: Apple iPhone 15 Pro introduces a multifunctional Action button in place of the side switch

If you do not wish to pay for the membership, you can still use the shortcut to quickly access the chatbot’s interface, allowing you to ask questions and receive responses on the go. 

Lastly, another alternative is to use the Bing Chat app with the same shortcut. It is free, powered by GPT-4, connected to the internet, and supports voice prompts and answers.

Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET

You are now ready to go! Simply click the Action button whenever you want to access ChatGPT. 

June Wan/ZDNET

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