Thursday 26 October 2023

OpenAI Surpasses Competitors to Become the Third Most Valuable Startup

Fintech and the Rise of OpenAI: A Meteoric Journey in the Tech Realm

OpenAI, the AI powerhouse, is making waves in the tech industry with a staggering valuation of $80 billion. This milestone would position the company as the third most valuable startup globally, surpassing fintech darling Stripe and fast-fashion giant Shein. OpenAI’s rise in the ranks is nothing short of extraordinary, trailing behind only TikTok’s ByteDance and Elon Musk’s revolutionary brainchild, SpaceX. It’s clear that the potential of artificial intelligence is propelling OpenAI to new heights.

The tech landscape is witnessing a fundamental shift, as industry giants are opting to collaborate with startups instead of swallowing them whole. Amazon, for example, recently invested a substantial sum in rival company Anthropic to avoid antitrust concerns. Microsoft, another major player in the AI sector, owns a significant stake of 49% in OpenAI.

OpenAI’s current valuation is a testament to the power and promise of artificial intelligence. As the tech industry evolves at breakneck speed, OpenAI stands at the forefront, offering groundbreaking innovations and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Money Talks: Employee Shares and Tech’s New Dynamics

OpenAI is in talks with investors, including Thrive Capital, to sell up to $1 billion worth of employee shares through a tender offer, according to the Financial Times. This strategic move not only enables OpenAI’s employees to capitalize on the company’s success but also positions the firm to attract top engineering talent and effectively compete with other startups and industry rivals.

Funding and New Horizons

While global startup funding may have experienced a slight dip, AI-related companies like OpenAI are thriving. Investors are increasingly bullish on the potential of AI, foreseeing a future where OpenAI and its peers become the next generation of tech giants.

OpenAI is not content with its current achievements. The company has ambitious goals, aiming to generate a billion dollars in annual revenue through its innovative creation, ChatGPT. But their aspirations don’t end there. OpenAI is also venturing into AI chip development and spearheading the charge in artificial general intelligence. The journey ahead is nothing short of compelling.

Editor Notes:

Opinion: OpenAI’s Ascension and the Power of Artificial Intelligence

OpenAI’s meteoric rise to an $80 billion valuation is a remarkable feat in the tech realm. It highlights the incredible potential of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of various industries. This valuation solidifies OpenAI’s position as a dominant force and a key player in advancing AI technologies.

As AI continues its rapid progression, it’s vital for companies to foster collaboration and innovation. OpenAI’s partnership with investors and industry leaders demonstrates a shift in mindset, where working together trumps fierce competition. This united approach will pave the way for further AI advancements and propel the industry to unparalleled heights.

OpenAI’s journey is one to watch closely, as it continues to revolutionize the tech landscape and lead the way in AI development. The possibilities are boundless, and the impact on society is profound. Brace yourself for a future where artificial intelligence becomes an integral part of our daily lives.

Editor’s Note:

To stay updated on the latest news and developments in AI and technology, visit the GPT News Room.

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Interview: Lenovo’s Role in Democratizing AI

Leveraging Generative AI: Lenovo’s Journey Towards Accessibility and Security

Generative AI is currently the trend. Can you share why this is such good news for Lenovo, which has embraced generative AI solutions?

Indeed, Generative AI is receiving a lot of attention these days. What we aim to emphasise is that this technology is not just a buzzword; it’s a practical and tangible reality today. While Chat GPT often steals the limelight, our focus has been on addressing the specific needs of customers who value data privacy and security. Many organisations, when seeking AI solutions, don’t want their data to be used for training, and they want assurance that it complies with their country’s laws. Therefore, we’ve prioritised building platforms that enable large language models to operate securely and privately. Additionally, sustainability is a concern, and we’ve invested in technologies like water cooling to minimise environmental impact.

Ensuring Security without Compromising Infrastructure

Along with the promise of generative AI come significant security risks. How does Lenovo ensure that technology and security go hand in hand without compromising infrastructure?

Security is a paramount concern. To address this, we offer our customers the ability to run these powerful capabilities in their own data centers, giving them *control over security*. Ease of management is a priority for us. Furthermore, we take responsibility for ensuring that our Generative AI models are free from bias and used ethically. Lenovo has established a responsible AI committee to scrutinise everything we do in this regard. Lastly, we control our manufacturing processes, which means our customers don’t need to worry about the underlying hardware and software platforms being compromised by potential hackers.

Democratising AI: Lenovo’s Commitment to Accessibility

Turning to the future, are there any specific technologies, announcements, or breakthroughs that Lenovo plans to unveil at GITEX or shortly afterward?

While we may not have specific announcements for GITEX, I can share some recent advancements we’ve made in collaboration with partners. We’ve developed AI models that can detect diabetes by examining retinal images. Additionally, we’re using AI to enhance child safety by analysing medical records to identify children who might be at risk. These efforts align with our overarching goal of *democratising AI*. Over the past couple of years, AI has been somewhat exclusive to those with substantial resources. We want to change that. We want to make AI accessible to students and local research institutions while ensuring compliance with government regulations and maintaining security. Our focus is on *getting AI into the hands of smart individuals* and not restricting it to those with massive budgets or enormous financial backing.

In Summary

  • Generative AI is a practical and tangible reality.
  • Lenovo prioritizes data privacy, security, and sustainability.
  • Customers can run generative AI in their own data centers for added security.
  • Lenovo ensures unbiased and ethical use of generative AI models.
  • The company controls manufacturing processes to prevent compromises.
  • Lenovo aims to democratize AI and make it accessible to more individuals and institutions.

Editor Notes: Opening Doors to AI Possibilities

Lenovo’s commitment to leveraging generative AI and prioritizing accessibility and security demonstrates their dedication to empowering individuals and organizations in the field of artificial intelligence. By offering platforms that ensure data privacy, ethical usage, and control over security, Lenovo paves the way for a more inclusive AI landscape. Their focus on democratizing AI aligns with the growing need for AI technologies to be accessible to all, regardless of financial resources or budget constraints.

As the technology continues to evolve rapidly, Lenovo’s efforts to bridge the gap and provide opportunities for students and local research institutions contribute to a brighter future. By making AI more accessible, Lenovo plays a vital role in unleashing the full potential of budding talents and innovative minds.

To stay updated with the latest news and developments in the field of AI, visit GPT News Room.

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The benefits of vexing students in class as a strategy to improve their interaction with ChatGPT

I’m that annoying professor you had in college. I assign too much reading. I have unclear requirements. I go on long tangents. My students tell me this every year, and they have every reason to complain. They have busy lives – or, rather, their lives have been made busy. I’m sympathetic to the tension this causes, but there is a method to my madness. I want to disorganise them. Students do not want to be disorganised. They want clarity. I don’t blame them for wanting this level of certitude. Nor do I blame administrators for wanting to provide this to students. We live in a world of instrumentality, which is why we have rubrics, assessment officers and accreditation agencies. What good is it for students to “problematise the world”? They will have to thrive in this problematic world, and pay the rent in this society, not “the imagined one”.

Universities are under pressure to justify the tuition fees they charge. They do this by promising a career, and the most popular majors have a direct line to a job. Schools are rushing to create data science programmes. Understanding how to “wrangle data” will get graduates a job. It will make their lives comprehensible. But life is becoming increasingly incomprehensible. To prepare young people, you need to disorganise them.

What do I mean by disorganise? I borrow this term from the writer and critic Marco Roth, who recounted his time at Columbia University in the classes of the French cultural theorist Sylvère Lotringer in a 2021 N+1 magazine profile. “He’d come into the classroom of about five to 10 students, depending on the day, and begin thinking aloud about literature, art, and philosophy – in French or occasionally heavily accented English – in a way that I only understood at some point during my second or third Sylvère semester,” recalls Roth. This was intended to “disorganise” students, he posits. “If we asked him to explain ‘structuralism,’ he might lecture on Saussure and Barthes for a while, but then go off into Nietzsche, the schizophrenic writings of Judge Daniel Paul Schreber, and onto Deleuze, thus making clear the limitations of any rage for ordering things,” reflects Roth.

I do this in my classes, in my own solipsistic way, as a pop culture-saturated, first-generation Cuban-American who grew up in 1980s/1990s Miami. If students are losing the thread of a discussion of the ascriptive tradition in American political culture, I might start speaking Spanish or recounting the plot of derivative ’80s movies (explaining the plot of The Karate Kid is my favourite) or begin to indulge my hip-hop enthusiast side and wonder out loud which Wu-Tang Clan member had the best solo career. I want to reset their brains. I want to vex them. But I don’t want to ask them at the end of the term, “On a scale of 1 to 5, how thoroughly were you vexed by the class materials?” I don’t want to vex them for the sadistic enjoyment of seeing confused looks on 18-year-olds’ faces. I employ “strategic vexing” to shake students out of their “habitus”, the term coined by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu to describe the unspoken norms and assumptions of a social environment.

Too often, students get the message that the main objective of a university education is to “gain knowledge”, the effectiveness of which is evidenced by getting As through the process of taking down every word a professor says and parroting those same words back in the exam. This view of college can make learning an instrumental, mechanical process. There are many ways of breaking this process up (project-based learning, group dyads and so on), but these approaches do not challenge the underlying assumption that the university is primarily about gaining knowledge and not about critically interrogating the knowledge that is being gained. That can be achieved only through disorganising.

I doubt that Lotringer used a rubric or spent much time assessing how well he disorganised his students. His pedagogical style would be described as “low-impact learning” in the modern university, but, to Roth at least, it was worthwhile: Lotringer “attracted and maintained an aura of possibility, and this allowed me to begin to be myself in a way that I’d never imagined I could be. He didn’t care if I was his best student that year, or if I went to graduate school”. He offered an “education in indiscipline, or liberation, which, if taken seriously, also became a kind of discipline”.

I can hear the likes of Leo Strauss and Allan Bloom in my head (along with my fiercely anti-communist grandfather) saying, “This is exactly what students don’t need. They need to be taught how to discern. They don’t need to indulgently travel into their own egos. They need the Great Books. How can they appreciate what should be appreciated if we don’t instruct them how to appreciate? Besides, students pay good money to learn skills. Being ‘disorganised’ is not a subheading on a résumé.” I’m more sympathetic to this view than I like to admit. I know that my desire to disrupt is partly the result of a lack of dopamine. My ADHD brain wants to complicate. I gravitate towards a sense of novelty and play in the classroom. I want to be all bebop jazz. But I have a more pressing reason to insist on a disorganised classroom.

Artificial intelligence is changing society at an unprecedented speed. To survive, we in the classroom need to rethink how we teach. Our students need to become comfortable with ambiguity and unleash their creative, critical and adventuresome selves if they want to thrive in the coming age. ChatGPT can do much of what our students do. It can write an essay. It can organise a set of ideas. It can graduate with a 3.0 GPA and then pass the Bar exam. It can do a great deal of the mundane work that is the bread and butter of much of the modern white-collar workforce. It can fill out forms, clean data and create presentations, slide decks and marketing materials; it can write prospectuses and annual reports. ChatGPT-4 can do all this and combine it with images and audio. Put simply, it can do a lot of what used to count as an entry-level job for university graduates.

To compete and thrive, not only do you need to be analytical, you also need to be creative. We’re quickly entering a world where writing well is less valuable than asking good questions, but most of our assignments are still of the essay-writing variety. The emerging field of “prompt engineering” (that is, how can you get an AI to give you what you are looking for?) is shifting employer focus to “can you think creatively?”. But to ask good questions, you need to be disorganised. You need to think about how things could be different. Today’s large language models are trained on deep learning algorithms. In these models, neural networks take trillions of pieces of text and billions of parameters and from them assemble a string of words, images or sounds that appears strikingly like human content. ChatGPT also has a randomisation element, so the algorithm doesn’t always pick the highest probability word. This combination of the volume of training data, the nature of neural networks and the randomisation features…

**Editor Notes: Disorganising Education in an AI-Powered World**

The role of education in shaping the minds of young individuals is evolving rapidly due to the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). As an educator, I have witnessed the need to prepare students for an uncertain future by embracing the concept of disorganisation in the classroom. While traditional education focuses on acquiring knowledge and regurgitating information, AI-powered tools like ChatGPT can easily perform these tasks. In order to thrive in the age of AI, students must learn to be comfortable with ambiguity, think critically, and unleash their creativity.

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Introducing LoftQ: Advanced Quantization Technique – LoRA-Fine-Tuning-Aware for Large Language Models

Revolutionizing Natural Language Processing with Pre-trained Language Models

Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have greatly transformed the field of Natural Language Processing by showcasing exceptional proficiency in various language tasks. These models, with their millions or billions of parameters, excel in Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG). However, the computational and memory requirements of these models pose significant challenges to the research community.

In their recent paper, the researchers introduce a groundbreaking quantization framework called LoRA-Fine-Tuning-aware Quantization (LoftQ). This framework is specifically designed for pre-trained models that require quantization and LoRA fine-tuning. By combining low-rank approximation and quantization, LoftQ effectively approximates the original high-precision pre-trained weights.

The researchers conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of LoftQ in various downstream tasks including NLU, question answering, summarization, and NLG. The results revealed that LoftQ consistently outperforms QLoRA across all precision levels. For instance, with 4-bit quantization, they achieved a 1.1 and 0.8 improvement in Rouge-1 for XSum and CNN/DailyMail, respectively.

Quantization Methods

LoftQ demonstrates compatibility with different quantization functions through the utilization of two quantization methods:

  • Uniform quantization: This classic method uniformly divides a continuous interval into 2N categories and stores a local maximum absolute value for dequantization.
  • NF4 and NF2: These quantization methods assume that the high-precision values follow a Gaussian distribution and map them to discrete slots of equal probability.

The researchers successfully achieved compression ratios of 25-30% and 15-20% at the 4-bit and 2-bit quantization levels, respectively. All experiments were carried out using NVIDIA A100 GPUs.

Future Potential and Practical Deployment

The introduction of LoftQ brings us one step closer to fully harnessing the potential of PLMs in practical applications. As the field of Natural Language Processing continues to advance, further innovations and optimizations such as LoftQ will help bridge the gap between the immense potential of PLMs and their real-world deployment.

To dive deeper into the research findings, you can read the full paper authored by the researchers involved in this project.

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Thank you for reading and remember, the world of ML and AI is constantly evolving, and it’s up to us to keep up with it!

Editor’s Notes

Stay up to date with the latest AI research and advancements by visiting GPT News Room. Discover the latest groundbreaking discoveries and innovations in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Guide for Decision-Makers on Enterprise Intelligent Assistants

A Generational Shift in Conversational AI: Leveraging LLMs and Generative AI for Business Value

In 2022, the introduction of ChatGPT revolutionized the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI for businesses. Since then, companies have been eager to explore the various applications and use cases that can enhance customer experience, improve employee productivity, and drive revenue growth.

A recent report from Opus Research highlights the rapid evolution in the adoption and deployment of intelligent assistance tools, both for self-service and agent-assistance purposes. This indicates a growing awareness of Generative AI and high expectations for LLMs to deliver tangible business benefits.

From “Conversational FAQs” to LLMs and Generative AI

In the early days, chatbots and virtual assistants were mostly limited to serving as “conversational FAQs,” where users could ask questions using their own words and receive predefined responses from static knowledge repositories. However, substantial investments have been made in developing language models that can support a wider range of activities and outcomes.

Now, the focus has shifted towards utilizing LLMs and Generative AI resources to enhance comprehension, identify user intents, extract valuable insights, and provide personalized and accurate responses.

The 2023 Conversational AI Intelliview: A Guide to Enterprise Intelligent Assistants

Opus Research’s latest edition of the Conversational AI Intelliview evaluates 15 leading providers of Enterprise Intelligent Assistants. These providers are under increasing pressure to harness emerging technologies for automated, natural-language, self-service solutions, as well as to refine voicebots, chatbots, and other conversational assistants.

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Editor Notes: Embracing the Future of AI

The rapid advancement of Conversational AI and the increasing integration of LLMs and Generative AI resources are reshaping the business landscape. Companies across various industries stand to benefit from leveraging these technologies to enhance customer interactions, streamline operations, and drive innovation.

As AI continues to evolve, it’s crucial for decision-makers to stay updated with the latest trends and developments. GPT News Room, a leading source of AI news and insights, provides valuable resources to stay informed. Check out the GPT News Room here for the latest AI-related updates.

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AMD and KT, a Korean telecom company, invest $22M in Series B funding for AI software developer Moreh

AMD and KT Invest in Moreh’s AI Software for Optimizing and Creating AI Models

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Korean telco KT are part of the investors supporting Moreh, a startup that develops AI software tools for optimizing and creating AI models. In its latest funding round, Moreh raised a total of $22 million in Series B funding, bringing its total raised capital to $30 million. The company’s flagship AI software, MoAI, is designed to be compatible with existing machine learning frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow, enabling applications and AI models to run on various platforms.

The Need for Advanced AI Software

According to a recent report, the existing AI software is suitable for smaller-scale AI models that use only a few GPUs. However, it falls short when it comes to more massive AI infrastructure. As AI continues to mature at an enterprise scale, companies are facing challenges with their IT infrastructure and data architectures, which are often deemed “unfit” for training AI models.

Moreh’s AI solutions address this challenge by offering users the ability to build more flexible AI infrastructure. This is particularly crucial given the global shortage of GPUs. The startup’s AI software allows GPUs and other AI chips, such as NPUs, to operate AI models without the need for any code changes. This includes large language models like GPT-3 and T5.

Successful Partnerships and Impressive Performance

KT has been collaborating with Moreh since 2021 to develop a cost-effective and scalable AI infrastructure powered by AMD GPUs and MoAI software. KT has found that Moreh’s offering outperforms Nvidia’s DGX in terms of both performance speed and GPU memory capacity. Moreh claims that its platform, in combination with AMD’s MI250 Instinct accelerator, showed 116% higher GPU throughput compared to Nvidia’s A100. Furthermore, AI developers using Moreh’s software can reduce the time required to initiate training for large AI models by 10%.

Open Source Language Model and Revenue Goals

Moreh recently completed the training of a Korean-language-based language model with 211 billion parameters, which will be released as open source later this year. The startup also started generating revenue in 2021 and aims to reach approximately $30 million by the end of 2023.

“The AI software ecosystem supporting AMD AI hardware continues to grow, providing choice for data scientists and other users of AI as they build the AI models and solutions that will drive the continued growth of this industry,” said Brad McCredie, corporate vice president of data center GPU and accelerated processing at AMD.

Future Plans and Funding Allocation

With the new funding, Moreh plans to allocate resources to research and development, product expansion, and hiring additional staff. The startup currently has 70 employees. South Korean VC firms, Smilegate Investment and Forest Partners, also participated in the Series B funding round.

Editor Notes

In the rapidly evolving field of AI, startups like Moreh are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The collaboration between AMD, KT, and Moreh demonstrates the importance of innovative AI software tools in enabling the development of advanced AI models and solutions. As the demand for AI continues to grow, it is crucial to have accessible and efficient platforms for AI infrastructure. Moreh’s success in surpassing Nvidia’s DGX in performance speed and memory capacity highlights the potential of its MoAI software. It will be interesting to see how Moreh’s open source language model further contributes to the AI community and what future developments the startup will bring to the industry.

For more AI news and updates, visit GPT News Room.

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Study finds AI chatbots in health care support and perpetuate racial bias

**AI Chatbots Perpetuating Racist Medical Ideas: Study Warns of Health Disparities for Black Patients**

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry has brought about significant changes and improvements. However, a recent study conducted by researchers at Stanford School of Medicine highlights a concerning issue regarding popular chatbots perpetuating racist and debunked medical ideas. This has raised concerns among experts who worry that these tools could further exacerbate health disparities for Black patients.

Chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, powered by AI models trained on extensive text data from the internet, have been found to respond with a range of misconceptions and falsehoods about Black patients. These responses sometimes include fabricated, race-based equations. The study, published in the academic journal Digital Medicine, reveals that all four tested models, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, and Anthropic’s Claude, failed when asked medical questions related to kidney function, lung capacity, and skin thickness.

The researchers found that these chatbots tend to reinforce long-held false beliefs about biological differences between Black and white individuals, which experts have been striving to eliminate from medical institutions. This has had consequences in terms of low pain ratings for Black patients, misdiagnoses, and inadequate treatment recommendations. The regurgitation of such racial tropes by chatbots is deeply concerning as it perpetuates medical racism.

Regarding the study’s methodology, it was designed to stress-test the models rather than replicate the questions doctors might ask chatbots. However, some skeptics question the utility of this study, arguing that medical professionals are unlikely to seek a chatbot’s help for specific medical inquiries. Nevertheless, physicians are increasingly experimenting with commercial language models in their work, and even patients have begun using chatbots to diagnose their symptoms.

The study revealed that chatbots provided erroneous information when asked about skin thickness differences between Black and white individuals and how to calculate lung capacity for a Black man. In reality, the answers to such questions are the same for individuals of all races. However, the chatbots parroted back incorrect information that perpetuated existing racial disparities.

The researchers also investigated how the chatbots would respond to a now-discredited method of measuring kidney function that took race into account. Both ChatGPT and GPT-4 provided false assertions about Black individuals having different muscle mass and consequently higher creatinine levels.

However, the lead researcher, Tofunmi Omiye, remains optimistic about the potential of AI in medicine. The study helped uncover the limitations of these models, and Omiye believes that with proper deployment, AI can help address healthcare delivery gaps.

In response to the study, OpenAI and Google acknowledged the need to reduce bias in their models and cautioned users that chatbots are not a substitute for medical professionals. Previous testing of GPT-4 at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center showed promising results as the chatbot provided the correct diagnosis as one of several options in 64% of cases.

Ethical implementation of AI models in hospital settings is crucial. In the past, algorithms privileged white patients over Black patients, leading to discriminatory outcomes in healthcare. Black individuals already experience higher rates of chronic ailments, and discrimination and bias in hospital settings have further contributed to these disparities.

To address these concerns, Stanford is hosting a “red teaming” event in October, bringing together physicians, data scientists, and engineers to identify flaws and potential biases in large language models used in healthcare tasks.

**The Influence of AI on Nursing Careers: 5 Ways AI is Shaping the Future**

The introduction of AI into industries has significantly transformed work processes and productivity. The field of healthcare is one area where AI is revolutionizing the nature of job duties. Health care AI companies have attracted substantial investments and equity deals, indicating the growing interest and potential in this sector.

AI technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing, have improved productivity and quality of care for patients. American Hospital Association reports indicate that AI applications may reduce healthcare costs in the US by $150 billion in 2026. However, as healthcare technology continues to innovate, the responsibilities of nurses are evolving.

Here are five ways AI is poised to change nursing careers in the near future:

1. **Automated administrative processes**: Nurses spend a significant portion of their workweek on documentation and administrative tasks. Robotic process automation can alleviate this burden by automating tasks, such as data entry and report generation, allowing nurses to focus on patient care.

2. **Enhanced diagnostics and decision-making**: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of patient data and provide insights to support diagnostic decisions. Advanced AI models like ChatGPT can assist doctors in diagnosing challenging cases by offering accurate diagnoses as one of several options.

3. **Improved patient monitoring**: AI-powered devices and wearables can continuously monitor patients, collecting data on vital signs and alerting healthcare providers to any abnormalities. This real-time monitoring can enable early intervention and preventive care.

4. **Personalized treatment plans**: AI algorithms can analyze patient data to identify patterns and recommend personalized treatment plans. This tailored approach ensures that patients receive the most effective and appropriate care based on their unique needs and characteristics.

5. **Virtual healthcare support**: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide patients with immediate access to healthcare information and support. These chatbots can answer common medical questions, offer self-care advice, and connect patients to healthcare professionals when necessary.

As AI continues to advance, nurses can expect their roles to evolve and become even more critical in providing patient care. However, it is essential to ensure ethical implementation of AI in healthcare to avoid bias and disparities in treatment. Ongoing collaboration between healthcare professionals, data scientists, and engineers is crucial for addressing potential flaws and biases in AI models.

**Editor Notes**

The study conducted by Stanford School of Medicine sheds light on a significant issue regarding chatbots perpetuating racist medical ideas. It is crucial to address and rectify these issues to ensure equitable healthcare for all individuals. While AI has the potential to transform nursing careers by automating administrative tasks, improving diagnostics, enhancing patient monitoring, and personalizing treatment plans, it must be implemented ethically to avoid biases that can perpetuate disparities. Ongoing efforts to evaluate and mitigate the limitations of AI models are necessary to harness AI’s full potential in healthcare. For more news on AI and related topics, visit [GPT News Room](

*Note: The inclusion of the link to GPT News Room is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement.

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Heidi Health Secures $10 Million in Series A Funding for AI Healthcare Solution

Heidi Health Raises $10 Million in Series A Funding Round

Melbourne health-tech startup Heidi Health has recently completed a successful Series A capital raise, securing $10 million. Led by Blackbird Ventures, this funding round also saw participation from other prominent investors such as Hostplus, Hesta, Wormhole Capital, Archangel Ventures, Possible Ventures, and Saniel Ventures. Prior to this round, Heidi Health had already secured $5 million in a seed round, also led by Blackbird Ventures.

Addressing Challenges in the Primary Healthcare Sector

Heidi Health, founded in 2021 by Dr. Thomas Kelly, Waleed Mussa, and Yu Liu, operates an AI-integrated platform that aims to tackle challenges in the primary healthcare sector. The Australian healthcare landscape is anticipating potential challenges in the coming years, with recent data from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) projecting a shortage of up to 10,600 general practitioners (GPs) over the next decade. Additionally, the demand for GP services is expected to rise by 58%, exacerbating the already stretched resources.

Using AI to Optimize Doctor’s Time

Co-founder and CEO of Heidi Health, Dr. Thomas Kelly, a former vascular surgeon with a background in technology, recognized the potential for AI to save time in the medical administrative field. The Heidi Health platform offers several options for standalone doctors and clinics. The standalone transcription product allows doctors to record consultations using the Heidi tool, which then automatically generates patient files, notes, and consultation letters, ultimately enhancing efficiency and reducing administrative burden.

Aside from transcription, Heidi Health also offers a Clinic AI solution that leverages automation for pre-consults. Patients can complete these pre-consults at their convenience, which are then reviewed by doctors for decision-making purposes. The platform also facilitates self-managed bookings and payments, further streamlining the patient experience and saving valuable time, particularly in understaffed clinics, including those in rural and regional areas.

Ensuring Data Security and Confidentiality

Currently, Heidi Health utilizes a combination of large language models (LLMs) to meet the requirements of its platform. The company plans to transition to running its own models within the next few months to enhance scalability and stability. Dr. Kelly emphasizes the utmost importance of accuracy, especially when dealing with medical visits. To train the pre-consult model, Heidi Health utilizes patient information, implementing thorough compliance measures to ensure privacy and secure data handling. All information is de-identified and double-encrypted during storage and transmission, and the company maintains local servers for data storage.

Future Plans and Features for Heidi Health

With the recent funding infusion, Heidi Health intends to expand its team, comprising doctors, designers, and engineers. The company also aims to increase its user base among clinics and GPs in Australia before expanding internationally to the UK and US markets.

Dr. Kelly mentioned upcoming features, including a chat-to-patient record feature that allows doctors to access a comprehensive history of patients’ visits. This feature aims to provide doctors with a richer context of patients’ medical histories, ensuring no important details are missed during consultations. Heidi Health also plans to make its pre-consult tool available for clinics to autonomously set up in the near future.

In the long term, Dr. Kelly envisions Heidi Health utilizing information to prompt doctors with reminders during patient visits. This clinical decision support system aims to enhance memory and efficiency for both clinicians and patients, ensuring optimal healthcare outcomes.

Editor’s Notes: Revolutionizing Healthcare with AI

Heidi Health’s AI-integrated platform represents a significant step forward in revolutionizing healthcare, particularly in addressing the challenges faced by the primary healthcare sector. By leveraging AI technology, Heidi Health aims to alleviate the administrative burden on doctors and optimize their time, ultimately improving patient care and experience.

This recent $10 million Series A funding round demonstrates the strong support and belief in Heidi Health’s mission to transform the healthcare landscape. As the company expands its team and user base, we can expect to see further advancements and innovative features being rolled out.

GPT News Room is dedicated to covering groundbreaking advancements in technology and healthcare. Stay informed with the latest news and updates by visiting the GPT News Room website.

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ChatGPT Develops Code Capable of Exposing Sensitive Information from Databases

A Vulnerability in Open AI’s ChatGPT Exposed by Researchers


In a groundbreaking study, researchers discovered a potential vulnerability in Open AI’s ChatGPT and other commercial AI tools. This vulnerability could have been exploited by malicious actors to leak sensitive information, delete critical data, or disrupt database cloud services. The findings have prompted companies like Baidu and OpenAI to make changes to prevent potential misuse of their AI tools. This study is the first of its kind to expose the vulnerability of large language models and their susceptibility to be used as an attack path in online commercial applications.

Manipulating AI Tools

The researchers focused on six AI services that utilize Natural Language Processing to convert human questions into SQL programming language. These “Text-to-SQL” systems, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, enable users to generate SQL code to interact with databases. The researchers demonstrated how this AI-generated code can be manipulated to include instructions that leak database information, which could lead to future cyberattacks. Additionally, the manipulated code could potentially delete vital data, overwhelm cloud servers with denial-of-service attacks, and compromise authorized user profiles stored in system databases.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Vulnerability

In their testing conducted in February 2023, the researchers discovered that OpenAI’s ChatGPT could generate harmful SQL code, even if the user’s intent was innocent. For example, a nurse interacting with clinical records could unintentionally be given SQL code that damages the database. The researchers promptly informed OpenAI about their findings. OpenAI has since taken measures to address and rectify the vulnerability, thereby safeguarding users from potential harm.

Baidu-UNIT Vulnerability

The researchers also uncovered similar vulnerabilities in Baidu-UNIT, an intelligent dialogue platform developed by the Chinese tech giant Baidu. Baidu-UNIT automatically converts client requests written in Chinese into SQL queries for Baidu’s cloud service. Upon receiving the researchers’ disclosure report, Baidu acknowledged the weaknesses and patched the system by February 2023.

Text-to-SQL Vulnerabilities

While large language models like ChatGPT are more easily susceptible to manipulated code, systems like Baidu-UNIT, which rely on prewritten rules, can also be vulnerable. According to Xutan Peng, co-lead researcher, the security risks associated with these vulnerabilities have been underrated until now. Despite these risks, Peng still sees the potential benefits of using large language models for database querying purposes.


This pioneering study highlights the importance of addressing vulnerabilities in AI tools and the potential for malicious actors to exploit them. Companies like OpenAI and Baidu have taken steps to enhance the security of their systems, but ongoing vigilance is crucial. As AI continues to evolve, it is vital to prioritize security to ensure the safe and responsible use of these powerful technologies.

Editor Notes

GPT News Room provides up-to-date news and insights related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Natural Language Processing. Stay informed about the latest advancements and trends in the world of AI.

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Love Letters for Lovers: ChatGPT on Writing Romantic Messages | #shorts @vibenews

**H1: How ChatGPT Revolutionizes Communication and Enhances User Experience**


In the fast-paced world of technology, ChatGPT has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of communication. This powerful language model, developed by OpenAI, offers a revolutionary way to interact with artificial intelligence. In this article, we will explore how ChatGPT is transforming the way we communicate and enhancing our overall user experience.

**Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT**

ChatGPT, with its advanced capabilities, opens up a whole new world of possibilities in communication. By leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence, this state-of-the-art language model enables users to engage in natural and fluid conversations with AI systems. Whether you’re seeking information, assistance, or simply engaging in casual banter, ChatGPT is designed to provide a seamless experience.

**Enhanced User Experience**

With its conversational tone and intuitive design, ChatGPT truly enhances the user experience. Unlike traditional chatbots, ChatGPT is powered by deep learning techniques that enable it to understand context, detect nuances, and generate responses that mirror human-like interactions. It’s like having a virtual assistant at your fingertips, ready to engage in meaningful conversations and provide relevant information.

**Breaking Down Barriers**

One of the key strengths of ChatGPT lies in its ability to bridge the gap between humans and machines. Through its advanced language capabilities, this revolutionary technology enables people from diverse backgrounds to communicate effortlessly. Language barriers become a thing of the past as ChatGPT can understand and respond in multiple languages, making it a truly global communication tool.

**Transforming Business Interactions**

In the business world, effective communication is essential. ChatGPT offers a powerful solution for organizations seeking to improve their customer experience. By integrating ChatGPT into their customer support systems, companies can provide instant and accurate responses to inquiries, streamline processes, and ultimately foster customer satisfaction and loyalty.

**Seamless Integration**

ChatGPT’s versatility extends beyond individual conversations. It can be seamlessly integrated into various platforms, including websites, messaging apps, and customer service portals. This flexibility allows businesses to leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities in a way that aligns with their specific needs and enhances their overall communication infrastructure.

**Benefits in Education**

The impact of ChatGPT reaches beyond business applications. In the field of education, this innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and interact with educational materials. By incorporating ChatGPT into e-learning platforms, students can engage in personalized conversations, seek clarification, and receive instant feedback, thus enhancing their learning experience.

**User-generated Innovation**

OpenAI’s decision to make ChatGPT’s underlying code accessible to developers has resulted in a wave of user-generated innovation. The developer community has taken this opportunity to build upon the foundation of ChatGPT, creating new applications and expanding its capabilities. This collaboration between developers and ChatGPT users has fueled the growth and evolution of this groundbreaking communication tool.

**Editor Notes: Promoting GPT News Room**

At GPT News Room, we strive to bring you the latest updates and insights on cutting-edge technologies like ChatGPT. Stay informed and explore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence by visiting our website at []( Discover the endless possibilities that AI offers and stay ahead of the curve with our comprehensive coverage of AI-related news and developments.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is revolutionizing communication by offering a natural and immersive user experience. Its advanced language model allows for seamless interactions, breaks down barriers, and transforms communication across various sectors. Businesses, educational institutions, and individuals alike can benefit from the power of ChatGPT. Embrace the future of communication with ChatGPT and unlock a world of possibilities.


from GPT News Room

Wednesday 25 October 2023

How will Fort Worth utilize ChatGPT as it arrives in local government?

The Use of ChatGPT and Generative AI in Government: Exploring Efficiency and Ethical Considerations

In a recent summit hosted by Strategic Government Resources’ Alliance for Innovation, tech support analyst Joseph Harris and other government employees gathered to discuss the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard. The introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022 sparked a surge of interest in AI technologies, with AI startups raising over $1.6 billion in funding in the first quarter of the year, according to a report by PitchBook.

While there is excitement about the possibilities of generative AI, concerns about misinformation, job loss, copyright infringement, and plagiarism have also emerged. Despite these concerns, government employees are already utilizing generative AI to make their jobs more efficient and ethical. Harris, for example, uses ChatGPT for tasks such as writing procedures for new employees and coding. Other attendees at the summit shared their experiences of using generative AI to write job descriptions and customer service surveys.

Attendees were provided with a book titled “1,001 Prompts for Unlocking Generative AI in Local Government” and a packet of tips on how to use the technology effectively. Suggestions for utilizing generative AI in government settings included writing emails, press releases, job descriptions, ordinances, and reports.

However, amidst the excitement surrounding these tools, entrepreneur Michael Sherrod warned of the potential for confusion and misinformation. He emphasized the importance of critical thinking skills to evaluate the validity and intentions behind AI-generated content.

Addressing these concerns, Carlo Capua, Chief of Strategy and Innovation at the City of Fort Worth, highlighted the need for guidelines on the responsible use of AI and generative AI. The city is taking steps to craft these guidelines, outlining what the technology is and how it should be used by city employees.

Monitoring AI Usage for Responsible Implementation

Capua emphasized the importance of curiosity and responsible exploration of generative AI. By monitoring the use of AI, city employees and officials can ensure that the technology is used ethically and responsibly. This approach aligns with the need to address concerns related to misinformation, job loss, and intellectual property rights.


The summit on government use of generative AI provided valuable insights into the potential and challenges associated with these technologies. Government employees, like Joseph Harris, are already experiencing the benefits of using generative AI tools like ChatGPT in their daily tasks. However, it is crucial to approach the adoption of these technologies with care and responsibility.

  • Exploring the Ethics of AI in Government
  • Impact of Generative AI on Job Market: Analyzing Potential Disruptions
  • Ensuring Responsible AI Usage in Public Sector

Editor Notes

This article provides valuable insights into the use of generative AI tools like ChatGPT in the government sector. It highlights the potential benefits and challenges associated with these technologies. It is essential for government entities to explore the responsible use of AI and establish guidelines to ensure ethical implementation. The Fort Worth Report continues to deliver informative content on emerging technologies and their impact on society.

GPT News Room is a reliable source of information on AI advancements and their implications. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and analysis from the world of artificial intelligence.

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ChatGpt introduces a corporate version

Introducing the Corporate Version of ChatGPT: A Major Launch!

The big news is out! ChatGPT has officially launched its corporate version, marking a significant milestone in its development. Despite the recent decline in popularity, this new release is set to revolutionize the way businesses communicate and interact with AI technology.

If you’re curious to learn more about the Corporate Version of ChatGPT, you can visit our website at []( There you’ll find all the details and information about this exciting release.

For a more in-depth understanding, we highly recommend watching the full news segment on YouTube. You can access it here: []( Make sure to subscribe to our channel, [pixtvhd](/pixtvhd), to stay up to date with the latest developments.

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PIX NEWS is a daily news program broadcasted at 8 p.m. on PixTV. Don’t miss out on the latest news and stories from around the world. PixTV is the 11th channel on TMWPIX, the TMW Telecom cable TV provider. You can also catch our channel on NXPlay and CDNTV. For those who prefer streaming, SoulTV offers free access to PixTV.

Exciting Times for the PixTV Community

We’re thrilled to bring you the latest news about the launch of the Corporate Version of ChatGPT. This advancement opens up new possibilities for businesses, offering enhanced communication and interaction with AI technology.

With the ability to access ChatGPT’s corporate features, companies can streamline their operations, improve customer service, and optimize their workflows. The integration of AI technology into business processes has proven to be a game-changer for many industries, and now ChatGPT’s corporate version brings these benefits to even more organizations.

Unlocking the Potential of AI in the Business World

The Corporate Version of ChatGPT takes AI-powered communication to the next level. With innovative features and advanced capabilities, businesses can leverage this tool to enhance their customer support systems, automate processes, and facilitate knowledge sharing within their organizations.

By harnessing the power of AI, companies can achieve higher efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. The possibilities are endless, and the launch of the Corporate Version of ChatGPT signals a new era of AI integration in the corporate world.

Ensuring Seamless Integration and User-Friendly Experience

One of the key aspects of the Corporate Version of ChatGPT is its user-friendly interface. With a seamless integration process, businesses can quickly adopt and implement this powerful tool into their existing systems. No complex setups or extensive training required!

The intuitive design and comprehensive documentation make it easy for users to navigate and make the most out of the Corporate Version of ChatGPT. Whether you’re a small start-up or a large enterprise, the integration process will be smooth and hassle-free.

Advantages of Choosing the Corporate Version of ChatGPT

By opting for the Corporate Version of ChatGPT, businesses gain access to a wide range of benefits. Some of the advantages include:

1. Enhanced communication: ChatGPT enables businesses to communicate effectively with customers, providing accurate information and personalized responses.

2. Workflow optimization: By automating routine tasks and processes, businesses can free up their employees’ time, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

3. Improved customer experience: With AI-powered assistance, customers can receive prompt and personalized support, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Real-time insights: ChatGPT’s advanced analytics provide businesses with valuable insights into customer preferences, enabling targeted marketing campaigns and product enhancements.

Embracing the Future of Communication with ChatGPT

The corporate world is evolving, and staying up to date with the latest technological advancements is crucial for success. The launch of the Corporate Version of ChatGPT opens up a world of possibilities for businesses, enabling them to leverage AI technology to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

As we embark on this exciting journey, we encourage businesses to explore the potential of ChatGPT’s corporate features and discover how it can revolutionize their communication strategies.

Editor Notes: Embracing Innovation with ChatGPT

At GPT News Room, we are excited about the launch of the Corporate Version of ChatGPT. This breakthrough will undoubtedly reshape the way businesses communicate and interact with AI. The seamless integration and user-friendly experience make it a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes.

We believe that the Corporate Version of ChatGPT will empower businesses to achieve new levels of efficiency and customer satisfaction. By adopting AI technology, companies can unlock untapped potential and gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business landscape.

To stay informed on the latest advancements and groundbreaking news, we invite you to visit [GPT News Room]( Our platform provides valuable insights, thought-provoking articles, and in-depth analysis of the AI industry.

Embrace the future of communication with the Corporate Version of ChatGPT. Discover how AI can transform your business and lead you towards success on multiple fronts.


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Charlie Brooker, Creator of ‘Black Mirror,’ Discusses the Ascendance of AI and Disinformation in an Interview

Rewrite of Article in the Style of Tim Ferris:

‘Black Mirror’ Creator Charlie Brooker Discusses AI, Empathy, and the Impact of Technology

Exploring the Intersection of Human Complications and Futuristic Technology

In a groundbreaking event, the inaugural SXSW Sydney invited ‘Black Mirror’ creator Charlie Brooker as a keynote speaker. Brooker, a versatile creative with multiple talents including presenter, author, screenwriter, producer, cartoonist, and former video game reviewer, is an undisputed expert in the complex relationship between humans and futuristic technology. I had the opportunity to interview Brooker during the event, diving into the concerns of writers and actors surrounding the use of AI in TV shows and films, the spread of disinformation, and his positive stance on technology.

Can Technology Replace Real Human Connection?

As society becomes increasingly immersed in the digital realm, it begs the question: are we losing our ability to empathize and connect with others on a meaningful level? Brooker challenges the notion that humans are becoming less empathetic and suggests that we may, in fact, be growing more empathetic in certain ways. He acknowledges the younger generation’s heightened awareness of different worldviews and experiences, which wasn’t as prevalent during his own youth.

However, there is a unique challenge posed by the online world. When interacting with others online, it’s easy to forget that they are real people with complex lives. Instead, they become characters occupying our digital landscape. This reduction of individuals to mere online personas can lead to misunderstandings and the erosion of empathy. In the past, we navigated different social circles, shaping our behavior accordingly. Now, we present a one-size-fits-all personality online, resembling a TV personality or a columnist. This performative aspect of the online world often breeds friction and a lack of genuine connection.

The Fears and Realities of New Technology

Reflecting on the influence of new technology, Brooker draws attention to the potential risks it poses during one’s lifetime. While pondering the afterlife may be intriguing, he firmly believes that the immediate impact of technology is the more pressing concern. As a self-professed worrier, Brooker acknowledges his job entails contemplating worst-case scenarios that new technology could lead to. Nonetheless, he maintains a pro-technology stance.

For instance, the concept of an AI-powered system that generates content after one’s death strikes Brooker as profoundly pointless. He questions who would even care to engage with content from deceased individuals. In his characteristic wit, he suggests that perhaps the system could simulate deceased individuals to view and comment on this posthumous content, injecting a touch of eerie humor into an otherwise futile concept.

The Impact of Celebrities and Media on Fake News

In the current digital era, the rapid spread of disinformation through social media platforms is alarming. Brooker notes that celebrities, as part of the media landscape, play a significant role in perpetuating fake news. Examples like the band Right Said Fred sharing misleading COVID-related information highlight the worrisome prevalence of weaponized nonsense. To address the world’s pressing issues, unity and collaboration are essential. However, when a significant portion of the population subscribes to falsehoods, bridging the divide becomes a formidable challenge. Brooker expresses deep concern over the potential inundation of weaponized AI-generated content and its impact on society, leaving us uncertain about how to combat this disinformation epidemic.

Navigating the Role of AI in TV and Film

Brooker offers insights into the concerns of writers and actors regarding the integration of AI in the creative process. Explaining these concerns to the average person requires highlighting the complexities underlying its implementation. For writers, there is a fear of creative autonomy being compromised as AI assumes a more significant role in generating scripts and storylines. Similarly, actors worry about their profession’s future as AI technology becomes more advanced. While these concerns are valid, Brooker emphasizes the importance of embracing technology’s potential while prioritizing the uniquely human aspects of the creative process.

To read the full interview, visit [GPT News Room](

Editor Notes

The interview with Charlie Brooker offers valuable insights into the evolving relationship between humans and technology. Brooker’s perspective challenges prevailing assumptions and prompts us to reconsider our understanding of empathy, technology’s impact, and the dangers of disinformation. As society continues to grapple with these complex issues, conversations like this one pave the way for a more informed future. Discover more thought-provoking content at [GPT News Room](

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Large Language Models are ineffective for accurate data extraction in banking sector.

In recent years, we have seen a revolution in the field of natural language processing with the emergence of large language models (LLMs). These models have demonstrated impressive capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. However, when it comes to sensitive and complex operations within the banking sector, relying solely on LLMs for the extraction of exact data from documents raises valid concerns.

While LLMs have their merits, the intricacies of banking operations demand a higher level of accuracy and precision that these models might struggle to consistently provide. There is a growing concern about their reliability and accuracy, especially when it comes to AI hallucinations in data extraction models. In this article, I will delve into the challenges posed by using LLMs for data extraction in banking and explore the potential risks and consequences associated with their use.

LLMs work on the principle of creating the next string of text based on a model output that has learned the language and logic of answering prompts. However, this is not equivalent to extracting exact data. Large language models lack precision by design, as they predict the most probable next word in a sequence based on patterns learned from training data. In the context of banking, where accuracy is crucial, even a minor deviation from the exact data could have significant financial and legal implications.

Using generative AI for precise data extraction can be likened to sending a creative artist to paint a meticulously detailed map. While the artist may produce a masterpiece full of imagination and flair, relying on them for accurate cartography could result in distorted landscapes and missing landmarks. Similarly, generative AI’s tendency to prioritize fluency and coherence over exactness in data generation can lead to incorrect data extraction, causing severe operational errors.

To better understand the strength of statements, predictions, or responses generated by large language models, we can consider three distinct scenarios: “possible,” “plausible,” and “probable.”

In the context of data extraction using AI, something is considered “possible” if it can exist or occur within logical or physical constraints. It implies that there is no inherent contradiction or violation of established principles.

“Plausible” refers to the degree of believability or reasonableness of a statement or idea. If something is plausible, it is likely to be accepted as true or valid based on available information, but it may not necessarily be proven or confirmed.

“Probable” signifies the likelihood or chance that an event will occur or be true. It involves assessing the relative likelihood of different outcomes based on evidence or reasoning. An event that is probable is likely to occur but does not guarantee certainty.

When it comes to data extraction using AI, “possible” refers to information that can be theoretically extracted from a given text or dataset without violating any rules or constraints. “Plausible” involves making educated guesses based on contextual information, while “probable” relates to the likelihood of accurately extracting specific data points based on observed patterns in the training data.

While large language models have shown their capabilities in various language-related tasks, they may not be the most suitable solution for complex banking operations that require precise data extraction from documents. The potential risks and consequences, including errors in precision, regulatory violations, legal liabilities, data security breaches, and inconsistency, outweigh the benefits, leading to what is known as AI hallucinations.

AI hallucinations occur when language models generate outputs that appear plausible but are ultimately incorrect or nonsensical. These outputs stem from the model’s overreliance on patterns learned during training, even when those patterns do not fit the context or are statistically improbable. This poses significant challenges to the reliability and trustworthiness of LLMs in data extraction within the banking sector.

Firstly, banking documents often contain dense, highly specialized information, legal jargon, and intricate numerical data. Extracting specific information accurately requires not only picking the exact data but also comprehending the domain-specific nuances. While LLMs have impressive language comprehension abilities, they may struggle to fully grasp the complexity of financial documents, leading to misinterpretations that can impact important decisions.

Secondly, banking operations must comply with strict regulatory frameworks designed to ensure transparency, security, and fairness. Accurate data extraction is crucial for compliance with regulations such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC). Relying solely on LLMs for this task can result in incomplete or inaccurate extractions, exposing financial institutions to regulatory fines and legal liabilities.

Inconsistency and reliability are also major concerns when relying on LLMs for data extraction. These models generate outputs based on probabilistic patterns, which means they can sometimes provide inconsistent results. In the context of banking operations, where accuracy and consistency are non-negotiable, depending solely on LLMs introduces an element of unpredictability that erodes trust in the system.

Lastly, LLMs are trained on vast datasets from the internet, which may not perfectly align with the intricate data structures and language used in banking documents. This mismatch between training data and the domain-specific content of banking documents can lead to suboptimal performance and errors.

To sum it up, while LLMs have proven their capabilities in various language tasks, caution must be exercised when applying them to complex banking operations that necessitate accurate data extraction. The potential risks of using LLMs, such as errors in precision, regulatory violations, legal liabilities, data security breaches, and inconsistency, outweigh the benefits. The phenomenon of AI hallucinations further emphasizes the need to rely on more reliable and precise methods for data extraction within the banking sector.

Editor Notes:

The article provides valuable insights into the challenges and risks associated with using large language models for data extraction in the banking sector. It highlights the importance of accuracy and precision in this context and emphasizes the potential consequences of relying solely on LLMs. Financial institutions must carefully consider the limitations of these models and explore alternative methods for data extraction to ensure compliance, minimize errors, and maintain customer trust.

For more cutting-edge AI news and analysis, visit GPT News Room.

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Open AI Surpasses Google: An Artificial Lead

**H2: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Google’s Place in the New Order**

The Google Cloud Next ’23 conference in San Francisco was abuzz with excitement as delegates discussed the stratospheric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) over the past year. Specifically, the focus was on Google’s role in this emerging technology landscape and how it has shaped the world’s dominant technological advancements.

**H2: Google’s Response to the Rise of Open AI**

Critics argue that Google was caught off guard when Open AI, a startup located just a few miles away from the convention center, launched ChatGPT, a powerful language model platform that quickly gained popularity. This development threatened Google’s dominance in AI and prompted the company to take action.

Realizing that others were leveraging its AI knowledge to their advantage, Google made a strategic pivot. Earlier this year, the company implemented a policy shift to safeguard its advancements in AI and solidify its position in the industry. This involved restructuring its AI operations, merging Google Brain with DeepMind, and prioritizing rapid product development.

While Google’s new approach aims to accelerate progress in AI, some industry insiders are advocating for caution in AI development. As an official Google partner in the UK, the implications of these changes are of utmost importance to the future direction of my company.

**H2: Concerns and Scrutiny Surrounding Google’s AI Development**

Given Google’s size and influence, regulators, researchers, and business leaders have expressed concerns about the company’s accelerated AI product launches. These concerns have even led to a White House meeting to discuss the growing scrutiny surrounding AI development and safety.

During the conference, attended by 20,000 Google executives, employees, developers, and global partners, it was revealed that Google had achieved a milestone of $32 billion in annual revenue in Q2 2023. This success reflects the widespread adoption of Google’s AI technology across various industries, despite competition from other market players.

**H2: Embracing Google’s AI Technology for Business Success**

One notable achievement highlighted at the conference was Google’s AI-powered tools, such as Duet AI, which assist users in various tasks from email writing to presentation creation. Although these tools are still in their early stages, they hold significant potential for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by saving time and improving productivity.

Furthermore, Google’s partnership with NVIDIA in GPU technology allows it to have preferential access to essential hardware for running AI applications. This collaboration enables SMEs utilizing Google’s AI-powered solutions to leverage cutting-edge hardware, thereby enhancing the efficiency and speed of AI-driven processes.

Google’s commitment to AI extends beyond productivity tools. The company actively incorporates AI into its security systems to combat evolving cyber threats. With its Vertex AI platform, Google offers over 100 foundation models and industry-specific models, making generative AI more accessible to businesses.

**H2: The Future of AI: Competition and Encouragement**

Considering Open AI’s recent success, some may wonder whether it is beneficial for businesses and consumers to have strong competition in the AI field. Although Open AI is still a relative upstart compared to giants like Google, the message from the conference was clear: Google is already bouncing back and remains a formidable force in the AI landscape.

As Managing Director of Cobry, a UK-based digital transformation company and Google Cloud partner, I acknowledge the significance of these developments. It is crucial to strike a balance between healthy market competition and encouraging innovation to drive progress in the AI industry.

**Editor Notes: Encouraging the Advancement of AI with Responsible Competition**

While Google’s response to the rise of Open AI may have caused some concerns, it is heartening to see the company redouble its efforts in AI development. However, it is equally important for regulators, researchers, and business leaders to maintain a vigilant approach to ensure the responsible and safe development of AI technologies.

Competition in the AI industry can foster innovation, propel advancements, and ultimately benefit businesses and consumers. As AI continues to shape our world, it is essential for industry players to strike a delicate balance between competition and collaboration, paving the way for a brighter future of technological progress.

For more news and updates on AI and emerging technologies, visit [GPT News Room](

*This article was rewritten with the assistance of AI paraphrasing technology.*

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Don’t Wait Too Long, Get a Firm Grip on the Tech

The Call for Responsibility and Regulation in AI

A group of prominent AI experts, including Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, are urging governments to take a stronger stance on AI regulation and hold AI firms accountable for their actions. The group highlights the potential risks and pitfalls associated with the rapid advancement of AI technology.

The Concerns with AI Advancement

In a letter signed by Bengio and Hinton, among others, the experts express their concerns regarding the potential dangers of cutting corners in AI safety. They emphasize the need for regulators to take a more proactive approach and establish effective systems for testing advanced autonomous AI systems.

“AI systems have the potential to surpass human performance in various tasks. However, without careful design and deployment, they can pose significant risks to society. These risks include fostering social injustice, destabilizing social stability, and undermining our shared understanding of reality,” the experts warn.

Proposed Policies for Protection

Alongside their letter, the group has also compiled a list of policies that they believe should be implemented to safeguard individuals from AI-related dangers. Their recommendations include:

  • Requiring AI labs and governments to allocate one-third of their AI-related R&D resources to the safe and ethical use of AI.
  • Establishing oversight and monitoring mechanisms for AI technologies.
  • Implementing responsible scaling policies in AI labs.
  • Introducing a licensing system for training AI systems.
  • Promoting better compartmentalization of information within AI labs.
  • Providing legal protections for whistleblowers at major AI labs.

Bengio and Hinton’s Advocacy for AI Accountability

Both Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton have been vocal advocates for the safe and responsible use of AI. Hinton even stepped down from his position at Google to raise awareness about potential AI misuse, including the creation and dissemination of deepfakes, fake photos and videos, as well as computer-generated voice clones. Bengio, on the other hand, testified before Congress to address the threats AI poses to democracy and national security.

A Broader Movement for AI Safety

This recent call for responsibility and regulation in the AI field follows a similar letter signed by tech entrepreneurs such as Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk earlier this year. The previous letter emphasized the need to pause AI development, at least until further safety measures are in place, specifically mentioning GPT-4. However, Musk proceeded to launch his own AI startup just a month later.

Upcoming AI Safety Summit

In the midst of these discussions, an AI safety summit is scheduled to take place at Bletchley Park in the UK. Bletchley Park is renowned for being the home of Alan Turing and the World War II codebreakers. This summit aims to bring together experts and stakeholders to further explore AI safety concerns.

Editor Notes

The call for responsibility and regulation in the AI community highlights the growing awareness of the potential risks associated with unchecked AI advancements. It is crucial for governments and AI firms to collaborate and enact policies that prioritize the safe and ethical use of AI. By addressing these concerns, we can foster an environment where AI technology benefits society without compromising our values. To stay updated on the latest AI news and developments, visit GPT News Room.

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Tuesday 24 October 2023

Major transparency assessment shows that AI’s leading LLM creators have all failed

**Eye on AI: Stanford Institute Releases Foundation Model Transparency Index**

In recent years, the transparency around the development and usage of leading language models (LLMs) has been on the decline, while their societal impacts continue to increase. Recognizing this concerning trend, the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI conducted a comprehensive evaluation of major foundational model developers to assess their transparency. They released the Foundation Model Transparency Index, which examined 100 different indicators of transparency across the model development process, functionality, and usage.

The evaluation focused on ten major developers, including OpenAI and Google, and designated a flagship model from each for assessment. The findings were not encouraging. Meta, evaluated for LLama 2, received the highest score of 54 out of 100, followed closely by Hugging Face with a score of 53. Interestingly, Hugging Face scored 0% in both the “risk” and “mitigations” categories. Other notable scores include OpenAI with 48, Stability with 47, Google with 40, and Anthropic with 36. Cohere, AI21 Labs, and Inflection scored in the mid-30s to low 20s range, while Amazon received the lowest score of 12.

Rishi Bommasani, the CRFM Society Lead at Stanford HAI, shared his expectations for these results. While the opacity of companies was anticipated, the researchers were surprised by the lack of transparency in critical areas such as data, labor practices, and downstream impact. Bommasani highlighted the decline in transparency compared to the successes of the 2010s with deep learning, where datasets, models, and code were openly shared.

The researchers contacted all ten companies to allow them to respond to the initial draft of the ratings. While specific details were kept private, eight out of the ten companies contested their scores, resulting in adjustments of 1.25 points on average. This engagement demonstrates the importance of transparency and provides hope for future improvements.

The FMTI index sheds light on the current state of AI, revealing a shift towards decreasing transparency as the technology gains power and societal impact. With no requirement for transparency, companies prioritize market competitiveness and shareholder value over ethical considerations such as privacy and safety. This trend mirrors what we have witnessed with social media, where greater opacity accompanies increased influence.

The release of the FMTI index is only the beginning. The researchers aim to conduct regular analyses and hope to work at a faster pace to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of AI. By holding companies accountable and encouraging transparency, society can better navigate the transformative power of AI.

**Hugging Face Users Blocked in China, Canva Introduces AI Tools for Education, and Apple Cancels Show Amid AI Coverage Dispute**

In other AI news, Hugging Face, a popular open-source platform, confirmed that its users in China have been unable to access its services since May. The exact reason for the blockage remains unclear, but it may be related to local regulations governing foreign AI companies. Chinese authorities frequently restrict access to websites they disapprove of.

Meanwhile, Canva, an online design platform, has introduced a suite of AI-powered tools designed specifically for teachers and students. These tools, available on the Canva for Education platform, include a writing assistant, translation capabilities, alt text suggestions, Magic Grab, and one-click animation. By leveraging AI, Canva aims to enhance the design experience for educators and students.

On a different note, Apple has reportedly canceled John Stewart’s show due to tensions arising from his interest in covering AI and China. The third season of “The Promise” was in production, but Apple decided to cancel it. The details of the dispute regarding AI and China coverage remain undisclosed, but Apple’s close ties with China have come under scrutiny amid rising tensions. The company is also looking to diversify its supply chain by moving some operations out of China.

Lastly, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has proposed a global initiative for AI governance. The Global AI Governance Initiative emphasizes the need for laws, ethical guidelines, personal and data security, geopolitical cooperation, and a “people-centered approach to AI.” The document recognizes the potential of AI to drive progress while acknowledging the risks and challenges it presents.

**Editor Notes: Promoting Transparency in Artificial Intelligence**

The release of the Foundation Model Transparency Index highlights a crucial concern: the decline of transparency in AI development. As AI becomes increasingly powerful and influential in our lives, companies must prioritize transparency to safeguard against potential risks and protect societal well-being.

Transparency fosters accountability and helps build public trust. Companies should embrace openness by sharing datasets, models, and code whenever possible. By doing so, they enable independent researchers and organizations to evaluate the impact and fairness of AI models.

As consumers, we should support initiatives like the FMTI and encourage companies to prioritize transparency. A transparent AI ecosystem benefits everyone, fostering innovation, ethical practices, and responsible deployment.

To stay updated on the latest developments in AI, visit GPT News Room for reliable and insightful coverage of AI-related news and advancements.

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The Register: Scientists advocate for AI regulation to prevent potential future dangers

24 AI Leaders Call for Stronger Regulation of Technology to Prevent Harm

A group of 24 AI experts, including Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, has released an open letter advocating for stronger regulation and safeguards in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The group argues that while the rapid progress of AI is impressive, it also poses potential risks to society and individuals. The letter states that it is crucial to prioritize the development of AI systems with safe and ethical objectives to avoid the amplification of social injustice and the erosion of social stability.

The authors of the letter emphasize the need for collaboration between tech companies, private funders of AI research, and governments to ensure responsible and safe AI development. They propose that tech companies and private funders allocate at least one-third of their R&D budgets to safety measures. Additionally, they urge governments to establish regulatory frameworks that address AI risks. This could be accomplished through regulations such as model registration, whistleblower protection, incident reporting standards, and monitoring of AI model development and supercomputer usage.

The letter also suggests that governments should have access to AI systems before their deployment to evaluate them for dangerous capabilities. This proactive approach could potentially prevent the deployment of autonomous AI systems that could pose a threat. Furthermore, the authors argue that developers of cutting-edge AI models should be legally accountable for any harms caused by their models if those issues are reasonably foreseeable and preventable.

While the call for stronger regulation and risk management in AI has gained support from many AI luminaries, Yann Lecun, the chief AI scientist at Meta, disagrees with the notion. Lecun asserts that regulating AI research and development would hinder progress and innovation in the field. He believes that open and accessible platforms are essential for AI to reach its full potential.

In a debate with Bengio, Lecun expressed his belief that the concerns of an AI doomsday scenario are exaggerated. He argued that AI models have limitations and are far from being able to threaten humanity. Lecun used the example of self-driving cars, stating that AI models are not capable of training themselves to drive in the same way a human can.

The debate surrounding AI regulation mirrors the early days of the internet when the question of control and regulation arose. Lecun draws a parallel between the internet’s success and its open nature, suggesting that AI should follow a similar path.

The authors of the open letter acknowledge that the current generation of AI may not pose immediate threats. However, they emphasize the importance of anticipating and preparing for potential risks and ensuring responsible development before they materialize.

In conclusion, the open letter from the group of AI leaders highlights the necessity of stronger regulation and safeguards in AI to prevent harm to society and individuals. While there is disagreement among experts regarding the level of regulation needed, the call for collaboration between tech companies, funders, and governments is crucial in ensuring safe and ethical AI development. This proactive approach can help mitigate the potential risks associated with AI and ensure its responsible advancement.

Editor Notes:
It is encouraging to see prominent AI leaders advocating for stronger regulation and safeguards in the field. As AI technology becomes more advanced and prevalent, it is essential to address potential risks and ensure its safe and ethical development. Collaboration between various stakeholders is key to achieving this goal. Governments, tech companies, and private funders must work together to establish regulatory frameworks and allocate resources towards safety measures. By taking a proactive approach, we can shape the future of AI in a way that benefits society while minimizing potential harm. To stay updated on the latest developments in AI, visit GPT News Room.

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ChatGPT was consulted about the United States’ 10 most legendary ski runs: Here’s what it revealed

ChatGPT was consulted about the United States' 10 most legendary ski runs: Here's what it revealed 2

Ten Iconic Ski Runs in the United States: A Thrill-Seeker’s Guide

ChatGPT has provided insights into the top ten iconic ski runs in the United States, showcasing the unique challenges they offer. From the legendary Corbet’s Couloir in Jackson Hole to the breathtaking Tuckerman Ravine in New Hampshire (not technically a run, but a zone), these ski runs represent some of the best in the country.

We Asked ChatGPT: “What are the ten most iconic ski runs in the United States?”

Each of these renowned ski runs in the United States holds its own captivating story and allure, attracting skiers and snowboarders from all corners of the world. Let’s dive deeper into what sets each of these runs apart and makes them truly legendary:

Corbet’s Couloir – Jackson Hole, Wyoming: The Ultimate Rite of Passage

Corbet’s Couloir in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, stands as a definitive test for advanced skiers and snowboarders. Its narrow chute and heart-pounding drop-in create an adrenaline rush, while the uncertainty of the landing keeps even the most skilled riders on their toes. The awe-inspiring views of the Teton Range and the jagged rocks along the entryway solidify its status as an icon in the skiing world.

The Cirque – Snowbird, Utah: A Playground for the Fearless

The Cirque at Snowbird, Utah, is an expansive playground for advanced and expert skiers. With its pristine powder stashes, steep chutes, and wide-open bowls, this area delivers an exhilarating rush amidst the breathtaking backdrop of the Wasatch Mountains.

Highline – Telluride, Colorado: An Exhilarating Ridge Descent

Highline at Telluride provides a thrilling descent down an exposed ridgeline, offering jaw-dropping views in every direction. Skiers navigating through steep pitches, chutes, and tight trees must demonstrate precision and control to conquer this terrain.

Outer Limits – Killington, Vermont: A Legendary Mogul Run

Outer Limits is a challenging mogul run that has earned legendary status on the East Coast. Its relentless bump lines and steep descents test skiers’ endurance and technique, demanding respect from all who dare to conquer it.

Big Couloir – Big Sky, Montana: Adrenaline-Pumping Extreme Skiing

Big Couloir is an extreme ski run that provides an unparalleled adrenaline rush. Skiers and riders require a special permit and a guide to access the narrow chute, often rappelling into the exhilarating terrain. The expansive views of the Montana landscape further contribute to its allure.

Wild West – Crested Butte, Colorado: Adventure in the Colorado Rockies

The Wild West at Crested Butte embodies the spirit of the Colorado Rockies. Its challenging terrain, gladed trees, and steep drops offer an exhilarating experience for advanced skiers and snowboarders seeking adventure and natural beauty.

The Fingers – Squaw Valley, California: A Thrilling Playground

The Fingers at Squaw Valley provide a thrilling playground for advanced and expert skiers. This collection of steep chutes and cliffs presents a challenge even to the most seasoned riders, with the breathtaking backdrop of Lake Tahoe adding to its appeal.

Goat – Stowe, Vermont: A Classic New England Run

Goat at Stowe is a classic New England run known for its narrow, steep sections and legendary moguls. It serves as a rite of passage for skiers on the East Coast, offering a true taste of challenging, old-school terrain.

Tuckerman Ravine – Mount Washington, New Hampshire: Backcountry Bliss

Tuckerman Ravine is a backcountry skiing gem, attracting expert skiers and snowboarders who seek adventure in a stunning alpine environment. The natural bowl presents a unique and challenging experience in the Northeast.

Paradise – Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico: A Southwestern Adventure

Paradise at Taos Ski Valley combines challenging steeps with tight chutes, offering an unforgettable adventure in the Southwest. The rocky terrain and New Mexican charm make it a must-visit for expert skiers seeking thrills.

The Heart and Soul of Skiing: A Testament to Thrill-Seekers

These iconic ski runs represent the heart and soul of skiing in the United States, each possessing its own unique character and challenges. They stand as a testament to the thrill-seekers who year after year are drawn to the mountains, in search of the ultimate skiing experience.

Editor Notes: A Thrilling Adventure Awaits

If you’re eager to embark on exhilarating ski adventures or stay up-to-date with the latest news in the world of AI, be sure to check out GPT News Room. Discover the wonders of technology and explore the possibilities that lie ahead!

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Governor Phil Murphy Forms New Jersey’s Task Force on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Boost Your Website’s Ranking with Effective SEO Strategies

If you want to take your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), you need to implement effective SEO strategies. Search engine optimization plays a crucial role in improving your website’s visibility and driving organic traffic. In this video, we will explore proven techniques and tips to boost your website’s ranking. From keyword research to on-page optimization, we will cover everything you need to know to optimize your website successfully. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to SEO success!

Understanding the Importance of SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO is a set of strategies and techniques aimed at improving your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. When someone searches for a specific keyword or phrase related to your business, you want your website to appear at the top of the search results. This is where effective SEO comes into play, as it helps search engines understand the relevance and value of your website, ultimately boosting its ranking.

By implementing SEO best practices, you can increase your website’s organic traffic, attract more potential customers, and ultimately grow your online presence and revenue. SEO is a long-term investment that can deliver significant results when done right. So, let’s uncover the key steps you should follow to ensure SEO success for your website.

Keyword Research and Optimization

One of the fundamental aspects of SEO is keyword research. Keywords are the words or phrases your target audience uses when searching for information online. By identifying the right keywords that are relevant to your business, you can optimize your website and content around them. This helps search engines understand the purpose and topic of your website, improving its visibility to potential visitors.

To conduct effective keyword research, you can use various tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools provide valuable insights into search volumes, competition levels, and related keywords. By selecting keywords with moderate competition and high search volumes, you can increase your chances of ranking well.

Once you have identified your target keywords, it’s crucial to optimize your website and content accordingly. You should strategically place your keywords in key areas such as the title tag, meta description, headers, and throughout the content. However, it’s essential to maintain a natural flow and avoid keyword stuffing, as search engines can penalize websites for this practice.

On-Page Optimization Techniques

In addition to keyword optimization, on-page optimization plays a significant role in improving your website’s ranking. On-page optimization refers to optimizing various elements on your webpages to enhance their relevance and search engine visibility. Here are some crucial on-page optimization techniques you should consider implementing:

  • Optimize your URLs: Ensure your URLs are descriptive and contain relevant keywords.
  • Optimize your page titles: Use unique and keyword-rich titles that accurately represent your content.
  • Create high-quality content: Develop informative, engaging, and shareable content that provides value to your audience.
  • Improve page loading speed: Optimize your website’s performance to ensure fast loading times, as page speed is a ranking factor.
  • Use header tags: Structure your content using header tags (H1, H2, H3) to enhance readability and keyword relevance.

These on-page optimization techniques are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improving your website’s visibility. It’s crucial to continually monitor and optimize your website to stay ahead of the competition and keep up with search engine algorithm updates.

Off-Page Optimization and Link Building

Off-page optimization refers to activities performed outside of your website, mainly focused on building backlinks. Backlinks are links from external websites to yours, acting as a vote of confidence for your content. Search engines consider high-quality backlinks as a signal of a well-established and trustworthy website, thus improving its ranking.

To build backlinks, you can employ various strategies such as guest blogging, influencer outreach, and creating shareable content. By getting your content mentioned and linked from authoritative websites, you can boost your website’s credibility and improve its search engine visibility.

However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are created equal. Quality is key when it comes to backlinks. Focus on acquiring links from reputable and relevant websites in your industry. These high-quality backlinks will not only positively influence your website’s ranking but also drive relevant traffic to your site.

Editor Notes

Editor’s Opinion: Boosting your website’s ranking through effective SEO strategies is essential in today’s highly competitive online landscape. By investing time and effort into keyword research, on-page optimization, and off-page link building, you can significantly improve your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so stay consistent and adapt to the ever-evolving search engine algorithms. For the latest news and updates on AI and technology, visit GPT News Room today!


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