Wednesday 26 July 2023

Alleged IP Theft Linked to ChatGPT

The Impact of OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Users’ Lives

Every so often, a game-changing innovation comes along that completely transforms the way people live. We’ve seen this happen with the likes of Google, Facebook, and the iPhone. And now, OpenAI’s latest service, ChatGPT, has the potential to have a similar lasting impact.

An Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that offers detailed responses to user instructions. While it’s not the first AI invention of its kind, it sets itself apart by being able to accomplish complex tasks beyond just answering basic questions. This includes tasks like writing poems, designing games, and solving mathematical equations in a matter of seconds. As a result, ChatGPT has gained high praise from programmers and business owners alike.

The Plagiarism Debate

However, just like any technological advancement, ChatGPT does come with its fair share of drawbacks. One of the main concerns raised is whether the tool enables plagiarism. For example, if a student asks ChatGPT to generate a one-page essay on World War II, and then submits that essay as their own work, are they guilty of plagiarism?

Although OpenAI’s terms of use state that the user owns the output generated by the app, plagiarism is defined as the deliberate presentation of someone else’s original ideas or creative expressions as one’s own. In this case, even though the essay was produced by ChatGPT, the substance of the content did not originate from the student, making their act potentially classified as plagiarism.

It’s worth noting that ChatGPT doesn’t create responses from scratch. Instead, it provides answers based on the data collected and trained by its developers. However, it doesn’t attribute these sources, which presents an issue. For instance, if ChatGPT produces an essay heavily based on the work of a famous historian, and a student submits that essay as their own, it can be argued that they are effectively plagiarizing the historian’s work.

The Copyright Infringement Issue

Aside from plagiarism, ChatGPT has also faced allegations of copyright infringement. Copyright is a legal protection granted to individuals for their original literary, scientific, or artistic creations. Under most jurisdictions, these works are automatically protected from the moment of creation, and anyone who uses someone else’s work without consent may be liable for copyright infringement.

In fact, OpenAI is currently facing a class-action lawsuit where authors claim that their copyrighted work was used to train ChatGPT without their consent. If these allegations are proven true, OpenAI and users who made use of this copyrighted content could face potential legal consequences.

The Future and Addressing Legal Challenges

OpenAI acknowledges these legal challenges and is actively working to address them. They are reportedly developing a tool that can identify texts originating from ChatGPT, which could help educators detect potential cases of plagiarism. OpenAI’s website also allows creators to report users who are infringing upon their copyright, and offenders may have their accounts terminated as a result. Nevertheless, these mechanisms are not foolproof solutions, and users must remain cautious when using this technology.

Editor Notes

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has undoubtedly revolutionized the field of AI-powered chatbots. However, it’s important to address the ethical and legal concerns that arise with such innovations. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are serious matters that require careful consideration and mitigation. OpenAI’s efforts to create tools that identify potential issues are commendable, but it ultimately falls on users to responsibly utilize this technology. As the realm of AI continues to advance, it’s crucial that we prioritize the ethical implications and ensure that innovation is balanced with ethical responsibility.

About the Author

Mario C. Cerilles Jr. is a cofounder of Cerilles and Fernan Intellectual Property Law and a professor of intellectual property law at the University of the Philippines College of Law. He can be reached at

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