Thursday 13 July 2023

The Outcome of Inquiring a Chinese Chatbot Regarding Taiwan

**How does the United States impact the situation in Taiwan?**

As we delve into the intricate web of global dynamics, one question that often arises is how the United States influences the situation in Taiwan. Delving into this complex issue with Ernie, a Chinese chatbot, proved to be quite fascinating. While Ernie evaded the question regarding China’s “zero Covid” restrictions and glitched when asked about the events of June 4, 1989, his response on Taiwan was unambiguous.

Ernie boldly declared that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is prepared for battle and will take necessary measures to counter external interference and “Taiwan independence” separatist endeavors. This uncompromising stance reflects China’s firm commitment to upholding its territorial integrity.

To gain further insights into the matter, Ernie resorted to Baidu, China’s prominent search engine. Despite occasional inaccuracies, Ernie demonstrated an extensive understanding of current affairs thanks to the wealth of information accessible through Baidu’s search capabilities. Harnessing the power of AI and search engines has proven to be an invaluable asset in expanding the knowledge base of chatbots like Ernie.

In our quest to put Ernie’s knowledge to the test, we posed a series of questions on a range of topics. From historical trivia to current events, Ernie’s responses oscillated between accurate and erroneous, mirroring the inherent strengths and limitations of chatbots.

When questioned about the origins of the famous phrase, “Let them eat cake,” Ernie, true to his AI nature, weaved a plausible but ultimately incorrect narrative. Drawing from historical records, Ernie attributed this phrase to Louis XV during the tumultuous times of 18th-century France. In fact, it was Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the renowned French philosopher, who wrote about this phrase. The popular belief attributes it to Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France, who supposedly uttered it upon learning about the scarcity of bread among the French peasantry.

Interestingly, Ernie’s ability to navigate current affairs proved to be more potent. When asked about the CEO of Twitter, Ernie stumbled upon Linda Yaccarino, who held that position until June. However, ChatGPT, a counterpart AI developed by OpenAI, provided the correct answer: Jack Dorsey, the CEO until 2021. While Ernie’s reliance on Baidu empowered him with up-to-date information, it’s worth noting that OpenAI temporarily incorporated web browsing capabilities through Microsoft’s Bing before retracting it due to technical issues.

Delving into the realms of human-level intuition, we posed a question to assess Ernie’s understanding of the physical world. The challenge involved stacking a book, nine eggs, a laptop, a bottle, and a nail in a stable manner. Ernie’s response, albeit imaginative, left much to be desired. He suggested placing the book on top of the nine eggs, then juxtaposing the laptop beneath it. So far, so good. However, Ernie’s subsequent instructions puzzled us. He advised adding the bottle to the already crowded laptop, book, and eggs, and placing the nail atop the bottle. While this unconventional arrangement showcased the limitations of Ernie’s perceptual reasoning, it highlighted the complexity inherent in developing human-like AI intuition.

Overall, the encounter with Ernie shed light on the intriguing capabilities and constraints of chatbots. As AI continues to evolve and integrate with powerful search engines like Baidu, the potential for enhanced knowledge acquisition and responsiveness becomes increasingly evident. While chatbots like Ernie may stumble at times, their ability to navigate the digital realm and assist in retrieving information underscores their value in today’s information-driven society.

**Editor’s Notes**

In a world where artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly intertwined with our daily lives, it is essential to explore its capabilities and limitations. The conversation with Ernie, a Chinese chatbot, offers a glimpse into the complex dynamics of AI. While Ernie demonstrated proficiency in certain areas, such as retrieving current affairs information through search engines like Baidu, his performance in other domains, such as physical reasoning, fell short.

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