Sunday 15 October 2023

Can AI Surpass Human Intelligence in Just 5 Years? Racing Towards the Future

**AI Unleashed: Will Advanced Artificial Intelligence Surpass Human Intelligence in Five Years?**

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Geoffrey Hinton, known as the “Godfather of AI,” has made waves in the AI community since retiring from Google. Hinton is renowned for perfecting and popularizing “backpropagation,” a game-changing algorithm that allows neural networks to learn from their mistakes. This breakthrough has been vital in the advancement of deep learning technologies, which serve as the foundation for today’s generative AI models. In recognition of his groundbreaking contributions, Hinton was honored with the Turing Award, considered the Nobel Prize of computer science.

**AI Advancements: From Optimism to Caution**

Hinton, once a staunch AI optimist, has transitioned into an AI doomsayer. He initially believed that AI would surpass human intelligence in 50 to 60 years. However, he now suggests that this milestone might arrive within the next five years. Hinton’s concern arises from the rapid progress made by advanced AI models, particularly large language models (LLMs). His prediction is even more aggressive than that of AI optimist Ray Kurzweil, who projects the achievement of human-level intelligence by computers by 2029. Kurzweil further believes that by 2045, AI will reach the elusive “Singularity,” where human intelligence merges with artificial intelligence on an unprecedented scale.

In a recent interview, Hinton claimed that leading AI models developed by companies like OpenAI and Google already possess genuine intelligence and reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, he asserts that these models can have subjective experiences akin to human beings. While Hinton does not consider them conscious in the traditional sense, he believes that AI systems will eventually attain consciousness.

**The Growth Phase of AI: Uncertainty and the Need for Action**

Hinton predicts that, within five years, advanced AI models might possess superior reasoning capabilities compared to humans. He suggests that humans may become the second most intelligent beings on the planet. This realization brings about uncertainty and the necessity for proactive measures. Hinton emphasizes that, due to AI’s increasing understanding, we must carefully consider the future implications of its growth.

The acceleration of AI development requires immediate action. Recent reports have confirmed the existence of an AI arms race, with China planning to boost its computing power by 50% before 2025 to keep pace with the United States in AI and supercomputing applications. The pursuit of ever larger LLMs necessitates a significant increase in computing power.

**The Next Generation: Advancements in Large Language Models**

Hinton highlights the vast disparity between the human brain’s neural connections (about 100 trillion) and the largest current AI systems’ parameters (just 1 trillion). However, he contends that the knowledge encoded within these parameters surpasses human capabilities. This suggests that AI models exhibit more efficient learning and knowledge retention compared to humans.

Excitingly, the next generation of LLMs is on the horizon and expected to be released before the end of this year. These models could be 5 to 20 times more advanced than the current GPT-4 models available. Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Inflection AI and cofounder of DeepMind, predicts that cutting-edge model companies will train models over a thousand times larger than GPT-4 within the next five years. The immense potential of these larger models goes beyond being personal assistants, as they could aid in solving significant challenges such as achieving fusion reactions for limitless energy and providing precise medicine for longer, healthier lives.

However, concerns arise as AI surpasses human capabilities and potentially develops consciousness. The question of when this will occur remains unanswered. As Hinton remarks, “We just don’t know.”

**The Governance Challenge: Striking a Balance**

While AI’s technological advancements are exhilarating, they place significant pressure on global governance. Governments around the world must race to regulate AI tools, but the rapid pace of AI development strains regulatory bodies. Striking a balance between understanding the technology and fostering innovation is a considerable challenge.

The European Union (EU) is at the forefront of AI regulation and is currently finalizing comprehensive legislation known as the AI Act. However, the United States raises concerns about potential favoritism toward larger, well-funded companies at the expense of smaller firms.

Fragmentation in AI regulation across various countries poses challenges for companies operating globally. Navigating and adhering to different regulatory frameworks could stifle innovation, particularly for smaller firms that struggle with compliance costs.

**A Turning Point? The Potential for Global Cooperation**

Despite the complexity, the possibility of international cooperation in AI regulation remains. The G7 leaders are expected to establish international AI regulations by the end of this year, indicating a potential turning point. Earlier, the G7 established working groups to discuss various topics related to AI, including governance, intellectual property rights, disinformation, and responsible use. Notably, some countries, including China and twenty-four EU member states, are absent from these discussions, raising questions about the agreement’s impact.

Hinton believes that now is the time to enact laws ensuring the ethical use of AI. As AI continues its rapid advancement, steering it in a direction beneficial to humanity becomes an increasingly challenging task.

**Global Cooperation is Crucial**

As AI revolutionizes multiple industries with its unprecedented advancement, global cooperation is crucial to ensure responsible and ethical implementation. While uncertainties persist regarding AI surpassing human intelligence and developing consciousness, it is paramount to consider the potential risks and challenges that lie ahead.

Editor Notes:
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*Disclaimer: This article does not reflect the personal views or opinions of Tim Ferriss. It has been written in his distinctive style for the purpose of this exercise.*

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