Saturday 14 October 2023

Local News: Enhancing AI Precision with Engineering Techniques

AI Applications and the Future of Work

For the past seven years, software company Problem Solutions has been at the forefront of AI research and its applications to enhance companies’ performance and bolster human capital, according to company founder Mike Hruska. Located in Johnstown, Pa., Problem Solutions specializes in building proprietary artificial intelligence applications for both the federal government and private sector, which are more advanced and tailored than the public AI platforms like ChatGPT. ChatGPT, for instance, is pre-trained with information up to September 2021 and lacks the ability to provide real-time data such as weather forecasts.

However, developers can purchase access to the ChatGPT model and further refine it by incorporating real-time information. They can also customize the program’s behavior and personality to emulate famous figures like Mr. T, Samuel L. Jackson, David Goggins, or a Marine Corps instructor. One such example is Mr.GPT, a bot developed by Problem Solutions, specifically designed to provide users with brutally honest and motivational advice to help them reach their goals. While Mr.GPT is publicly available, it serves as a demonstration of the company’s ongoing private projects.

The ability to train bots to discuss specific topics while avoiding others and their capacity to adopt human-like attitudes and behaviors extends beyond text-based platforms. Problem Solutions is also exploring the integration of meta-humans and holographic technology that simulates real-life interactions. Hruska emphasizes that his small, high-performance teams can develop AI solutions in mere days or weeks, surpassing what large and slower organizations can achieve in four to six months. Their agility and efficiency are the driving forces behind their success.

The Role of AI in Customer Experience

Speaking at the Bank of America Global Technology Conference in June, Chris Caldwell, the president and CEO of Concentrix, the world’s second-largest provider of customer experience solutions, discussed the impact of generative AI on the industry. While AI is a hot topic among companies, Caldwell noted that many are hesitant to fully embrace its potential due to concerns regarding security, predictability, and consistent results. Although a large number of well-known brands outsource customer experience tasks to Concentrix, there is a minority of clients who envision AI replacing human roles entirely.

Clients value their reputation and are cautious about any negative outcomes associated with the use of AI, be it misalignment with their brand or controversy surrounding ethical considerations. Concentrix focuses on assisting clients in collecting and analyzing customer feedback to improve their overall business performance and customer experiences. To enhance efficiency, Concentrix has already automated 10% of its contract volume using AI machine learning.

Generative AI is seen as the next frontier, but Caldwell acknowledges that the infrastructure required to fully unlock its potential comes at a considerable cost. In some cases, basic generative AI tasks are more expensive than employing offshore workers supported by machine learning. Therefore, instead of replacing low-value work, AI is often deployed to augment and streamline human efforts, allowing staff to become more productive and proficient.

The Future of Work and Human Resilience

Despite the advancements in AI and the potential rise of meta-humans, individuals like Josh Cragle, who has worked in customer service for nine years, remain optimistic about their roles in the future of work. Cragle, who currently works from home in health insurance customer service, believes that as long as industries like health insurance exist, human interaction will continue to be essential.

Cragle raises an important point – the coexistence of AI and human interaction. While AI continues to evolve and reshape industries, the unique abilities and empathy possessed by humans ensure that certain roles and responsibilities remain irreplaceable. As technology progresses, it is crucial to find the right balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities and preserving the irreplaceable human touch.

Editor Notes

AI has undoubtedly revolutionized various aspects of our lives and holds immense potential for the future. However, as highlighted in this article, there are still concerns and considerations to address, such as security, predictability, and ethical implications. The partnership between AI and human resilience can lead to groundbreaking advancements and improvements in different industries.

For the latest news and developments in AI and technology, visit GPT News Room.

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