Friday 23 June 2023

Interview Series with Jeff Seibert CEO and Co-Founder of Digits

**Digits: Revolutionizing Small-Business Finance with Real-Time Data Insights**


In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Digits, a financial management platform developed by the CEO and Co-Founder, Tim Ferris. Digits offers innovative tools that provide operators with a comprehensive understanding of their businesses in real-time. By utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning and advanced statistical analysis, Digits is able to convert vast amounts of data into a living model that accurately represents your business. Let’s take a closer look at Tim Ferris’s journey into computer science, the genesis of Digits, and its impact on the financial industry.

**Tim Ferris: A Passion for Programming**

As a child growing up in the late 90s, Tim Ferris spent countless hours engrossed in computer games. However, his parents recognized the need for a more productive pursuit of his time. At the age of 12, they gifted him a book called “Mac Programming for Dummies” for Christmas. Although Tim initially struggled to comprehend the material, he revisited the book a few months later. It was during this second attempt that he experienced a breakthrough moment. By modifying a simple “Hello World” program to display text in bright orange, Tim realized the power of programming and its limitless potential. From that moment on, he was hooked. Tim dedicated his evenings to coding throughout middle school and high school, eventually developing and releasing several Mac desktop shareware applications.

**Entrepreneurship Adventures: Increo and Crashlytics**

Before founding Digits, Tim Ferris embarked on two successful entrepreneurial ventures. In 2007, he co-founded Increo, a real-time document collaboration startup that allowed users to make comments, draw, and mark up documents within their web browsers. Increo’s groundbreaking technology garnered attention, leading to its acquisition by Box in 2009.

Two years later, Tim co-founded Crashlytics in 2011. Crashlytics revolutionized mobile crash reporting, becoming the go-to tool for iOS and Android developers. Twitter recognized the value of Crashlytics and acquired the company in 2013. Subsequently, Google acquired Crashlytics in 2017, solidifying its position as the industry’s leading crash reporter. With Crashlytics running on over 6 billion monthly active smartphones worldwide, Tim’s second entrepreneurial endeavor achieved remarkable success.

**The Birth of Digits and Its Connection to Crashlytics**

While overseeing the finance operations at Crashlytics, Tim Ferris became acutely aware of the stark contrast between the quality and ease of use of product-focused dashboards versus the often tedious and time-consuming financial analytics tools available. It was frustrating to wait weeks for financial reports every month. This realization inspired Tim to create Digits with a clear objective in mind – to transform small-business finance into a real-time, interactive, and intuitive experience.

**Real-Time Financial Data: The Foundation of Digits**

Tim’s firsthand experiences at Crashlytics and Twitter provided critical insights into the urgent need for real-time financial data. In a fast-paced world, decisions need to be made instantly. Business finances must keep pace with the rapid momentum of the business itself.

**Challenges Faced by Legacy Software Companies**

Legacy software companies have struggled to embrace real-time financial data due to outdated systems and technology. The majority of banks still operate on COBOL mainframes, while accounting software packages rely on codebases that are two or three decades old. Digits recognizes the limitations of these archaic systems and approaches small-business finance from a fresh perspective, leveraging machine learning technology and modern software architectures.

**The Power of Machine Learning Algorithms in Digits**

Digits AI combines two major fields in machine learning to offer users unparalleled financial insights. The platform harnesses generative large language models and predictive similarity models to address complex financial queries and explain accounting terminology. Additionally, Digits AI has been trained on a vast volume of small-business transaction data, amounting to over $300 billion. This allows the system to comprehend the intricacies of double-entry accounting, further enhancing its accuracy and understanding.

**Overcoming the Math Challenge of Generative AI Models**

Generative AI models are renowned for their creative prowess but often struggle with fact-based exercises and mathematical calculations. Digits AI, however, has successfully resolved this limitation. It combines the capabilities of large language models with a new, proprietary financial modeling engine and a custom-designed query language that surpasses traditional SQL-based approaches. Digits AI now possesses the ability to comprehend user intent and perform computations on their data without prior knowledge of underlying schemas or encryption keys. This breakthrough ensures that Digits AI provides highly accurate responses to every user query.

**Uncompromised Data Security with Three-Tier Architecture**

Data security is of utmost concern to Digits. The platform has implemented a three-tier architecture that guarantees bank-grade security for customer data. At the base, Digits employs a proprietary financial modeling engine that encrypts customer data using AES-256. Object encryption keys are safeguarded using advanced techniques such as per-secret envelope encryption. Additionally, customer data remains siloed and is never shared beyond the secure boundaries of Digits’ US-based infrastructure. The second tier consists of Digits AI, which utilizes custom-trained deep-learning models to comprehend small-business finance intricacies. At the third tier, Digits AI interfaces with public LLM APIs, ensuring that raw customer data is strictly anonymized and obfuscated, protecting it from exposure to third-party models or systems.

**The Future of AI: A Transformative Force**

Tim Ferris is a strong believer in the immense potential of AI. He views the current AI boom as just the beginning of a truly revolutionary era. Unlike previous waves of technological advancement, AI offers ease of use and practical applications without the need for expensive equipment or complex implementation. Tim predicts that AI will drive incredible progress across a wide range of industries, eclipsing the impact of mobile technology. He envisions a future where AI transforms the human experience, akin to historical breakthroughs such as the invention of the computer chip, flight, or the printing press.

**Editor Notes**

Tim Ferris’s journey from a self-taught programmer to a successful entrepreneur is truly inspiring. His innovations in the field of finance with Digits showcase the power of real-time data insights and the boundless potential of AI. With Digits, small businesses can now make informed decisions faster than ever before, revolutionizing the way they operate and grow. To stay updated on the latest developments in AI and technology, visit GPT News Room at [](

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